Call For Papers: International Journal Of Economics And Socio-Legal Sciences

Update: 2016-10-29 05:44 GMT

International Journal of Economics and Socio-legal Sciences IJESLS, ISSN (2395-4906), is an open access, monthly, peer reviewed, e-journal.

The journal invites original research manuscripts in the field of Economics, law and Social Sciences. The submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. However, the authors are requested to send their papers at least 15 days prior to the deadline for an expedited review. The submissions are selected for publication through a peer-review mechanism comprising of multiple rounds of review. If required, the papers would be put through a refereed process.

The journal accepts submissions in the form of Articles, Essays, Notes & comments.

Manuscripts should be in pt. 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 Line Spacing.
The footnotes shall be in pt. 10, Times New Roman, 1.15 Line Spacing.

The authors are requested to follow a Uniform Style of Citation throughout the manuscript. In case no uniform style is observed throughout, the manuscript will be sent back to the authors for required changes and in case the changes are not made in time, such manuscripts may be considered for the next issue.

The authors should strictly adhere to the word limit as prescribed in the guidelines. However, if the submissions made are of exceptional quality then the Editorial Board reserves the right to accept such submissions in exception to the prescribed word limit. All the word limits are exclusive of footnotes.

  • Articles- 5000-7000 words accompanied by an abstract of around 200-300 words.

  • Essays- 3000-5000 words accompanied by an abstract of not more than 200 words.

  • Notes & Comments- 2000-3000 words.

All submissions shall be mailed to (.doc or .docx). Submissions mailed in PDF format are not welcomed and will not be reviewed by the Editorial Board for the selection process. The body of the mail shall consist of the following details:

Name of author(s)
Contact Information

All the submissions are subjected to plagiarism check and those submissions which are not original will not be considered for publication in the journal under any circumstances whatsoever.


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