Call for Papers: GNLU Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development

Update: 2016-11-22 15:29 GMT

 “Decentralized Environmental Governance: A Way Forward towards Efficient Environment Protection”

 As the discussion about Climate Change occurs internationally or at a global level, it is equally correct that most important contemporary changes in environmental governance occurs at Sub-National Level. Such De-centralized mechanisms can produce greater efficiency because it can bring decision making closer to those affected by Governance, thereby promoting higher participation and accountability. It also helps decision makers to take advantage of place specific knowledge regarding environment resource.

Environmental Governance is the sum of organizations, policy instruments, financing mechanisms, rules, procedures and norms that regulate the process of environment protection. The end goal is to improve the state of the environment and to eventually lead to the broader goal of sustainable development. Green growth strategies are needed to promote sustainable growth and to break the pattern of natural resource depletion. Policy decisions are constantly taken and are floated through various schemes nationally and agreements internationally to combat the environmental challenges.

In this context, GCESD invites research paper that focus on the innovative policies and schemes that can help to mitigate the Environmental challenges and promote sustainable development through comparative research across countries. The research papers should contribute in suggesting policy decisions for a State particularly with respect to the Environment conditions prevailing there.


Rules for Publication

  1. Submissions are to be made in Electronic (MS Word format) form only and are to be sent to

  2. The subject of the mail should be: Thematic Publication_NAME of the Author

  3. Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words.

  4. The word limit for the papers is set at 10, 000 words inclusive of footnotes.

  5. Foot note style should be as per OSCOLA 4th

  6. Submissions must contain a cover letter indicating the name of the authors, name of the Institution, Designation, Email Id and Contact Number.

  7. Font specifications:

  8. Theme: Garamond

  9. Size: 12

  10. Formatting:

  11. Line spacing: 1.5

  12. Margin: 1" on each side

  13. Plagiarism in any form is strictly forbidden.

  14. Eligible candidates: Students pursuing Law (Students of Undergraduate as well as Postgraduate courses i.e. LL.B and LL.M, Research Scholars and Academicians). Co-authorship up to two authors is allowed.

  15. By submitting an article, the author is presumed to undertake that the article is an original work and has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.

  16. Accepted/Selected Papers will be published in the I Issue of Thematic Publication.

  17. Date of Submission:  20thDecember, 2016

The authors would be intimated about selection of the paper within one week of their submission.

For any queries, contact Ms. Archita Prajapati on: 08128650838,Email:

Centre Director:    Dr. Shobhalata Udapudi

Centre Members:  Dr. Bindu Vijay, Mr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G., Ms. Asha Verma

Click here to download the brochure

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