Majoritarianism Is Antithesis to Democracy: Justice Deepak Gupta Speaking On 'Democracy And Dissent" [LIVE-Updates]


24 Feb 2020 9:24 AM GMT

  • Majoritarianism Is Antithesis to Democracy: Justice Deepak Gupta Speaking On Democracy And Dissent [LIVE-Updates]

    Supreme Court Judge Justice Deepak Gupta is speaking on the subject "Democracy and Dissent" as part of Supreme Court Bar Association...

    Supreme Court Judge Justice Deepak Gupta is speaking on the subject "Democracy and Dissent" as part of Supreme Court Bar Association Lecture

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    • 24 Feb 2020 9:33 AM GMT

      A Citizen has the right to get together and protest, but in a peaceful manner. Govt is not always right : Justice Deepak Gupta.

    • 24 Feb 2020 9:33 AM GMT

      Majoritarianism is anti thesis to democracy : Justice Deepak Gupta.

      A democracy is for 100%. Govt is for everyone. So everyone must play a role in democracy

       So long as a person is not breaking the law , he has every right :

       If we discourage dissent, it has a chilling effect on free speech - Justice Deepak Gupta quoting from Justice R F Nariman from Shreya Singhal judgment.

    • 24 Feb 2020 9:31 AM GMT

      Dissent must be encouraged. It is only through discussion that we can strive to run the country better : Justice Deepak Gupta.

      There have been many recent incidents where people dissenting have been slapped with terms like anti national

    • 24 Feb 2020 9:31 AM GMT

      You cannot call people anti national for dissenting : Justice Deepak Gupta.

      If we do not challenge age old customs, there won't be new thought

      New thought will only come in if you challenge old thought : Justice Deepak Gupta.

    • 24 Feb 2020 9:30 AM GMT

      I see many Bar Assn resolutions that they will not appear for such and such cases saying the act is anti national - it is wrong : Justice Deepak Gupta.

      Just because you hold a contrary view does not mean you are going against the country. It may be towards the govt, but not towards the country

      When bar associations say something like that (won't appear for certain people), that is obstruction of justice : Justice Deepak Gupta.

    • 24 Feb 2020 9:29 AM GMT

      It is a human right to disagree : Justice Deepak Gupta.

      Justice Deepak Gupta (in lighter vein) : Those of us who are married, know very well what dissent is

      What is troubling is , dissent is being treated as "anti-national" now

    • 24 Feb 2020 9:27 AM GMT

      "The beauty of dissent is that it is on the clash of ideas", Justice Gupta

      The preamble has adorned my table since the day I became a judge. Whenever I find myself in trouble, I find the solution in the Constitution : Justice Deepak Gupta.

    • 24 Feb 2020 9:27 AM GMT

      "I will also speak on the aspect of dissent in judiciary", Justice Deepak Gupta says.

      "What I missed in the 16-17 yrs on the Bench, is the Bar. What used to happen in the Bar room, doesn't happen here", Justice Deepak Gupta talking about missing the Bar.

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