Hijab Ban- Karnataka High Court Full Bench Hearing (Day 9)- LIVE UPDATES


23 Feb 2022 2:27 PM IST

  • Hijab Ban- Karnataka High Court Full Bench Hearing (Day 9)- LIVE UPDATES

    Karnataka High Court Full Bench will continue hearing on a batch of petitions challenging the hijab ban in educational institutions.The matter is before a bench comprising Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justice Krishna S Dixit and Justice JM Khazi will hear the petitions today at 2.30 PM.On Monday, Chief Justice sought a clarification from the State regarding its stand on banning hijab....

    Karnataka High Court Full Bench will continue hearing on a batch of petitions challenging the hijab ban in educational institutions.

    The matter is before a bench comprising Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justice Krishna S Dixit and Justice JM Khazi will hear the petitions today at 2.30 PM.

    On Monday, Chief Justice sought a clarification from the State regarding its stand on banning hijab. This arose in view of the AG's submission that the Government Order dated February 5, which has been challenged in the writ petitions, does not prescribe any ban on hijab and that it is only an "innocuous" order which asks students to follow the uniforms prescribed by their institutions.

    "What is your stand?Whether hijab can be permitted in institutions or not?", the Chief Justice raised a pointed query.

    "The operative portion of the GO leaves it to the institutions", the AG submitted.

    "If institutions permit hijab, you have objections?", the CJ asked further

    "If the institutions are to permit, we would possibly take a decision as and when the issue arises...", the AG responded.

    "You have to take a stand", the CJI reiterated.

    "My answer is that we have not prescribed anything. The Order , it gives complete autonomy to institution to decide uniform. Whether students be allowed to wear dress or apprarel which could be symbol of religion, the stand of the state is.. element of introducing religious dress should not be there in uniform. As a matter of principle, the answer is in preamble of Karnataka Education Act which is to foster secular environment", the AG replied.

    During yesterday's hearing AG argued that petitioners have not shown that wearing hijab is an essential religious practice in Islam and thus, the protection under Article 25 of the Constitution is not available to them.


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    • 23 Feb 2022 3:17 PM IST

      Naganand : For twenty years we had uniforms, and everything was peaceful and suddenly organisations like CFI came and instigated students and parents, and the entire education is suffering now.

    • 23 Feb 2022 3:16 PM IST

      Naganad: Authority of the school cannot be belittled., The school has to maintain discipline in classroom. If decision is taken bonafide, and it is not questioned for around 18 years.. this uniform rule has been there since 2004.

    • 23 Feb 2022 3:15 PM IST

      Naganand: In orthodox Brahmin sections, after upanayanam, a boy is not supposed to wear shirts, only angavasathram. If tomorrow a category of boys say that want to come like this, what will happen? School has to maintain the discipline.

    • 23 Feb 2022 3:12 PM IST

      Naganand: In the present case school has done that it has said that it is in the interest of everybody that child will not wear hijab or head scarves.

    • 23 Feb 2022 3:10 PM IST

      Naganand: These are parental rights in the welfare of the child, it is not that parent is punishing the child to get satisfaction from it.

      The authority exercised by teachers over students are also parental rights.

    • 23 Feb 2022 3:09 PM IST

      Naganand : If I have a child at home, 10 years old, he is misbehaving. I tell him don't do this..Child does not listen & throws things at the parents. If the parent is patient he will cajole the child. If he continues, then the parent will berate the child, & might say will slap

    • 23 Feb 2022 3:07 PM IST

      Naganand : When an attempt is made to maintain order, that is public order. Not necessarily Not necessary that order comes from disorder. Uniform was to keep order.

    • 23 Feb 2022 3:06 PM IST

      Naganand: In an education institution, the body which has taken a decision by a democratic body, for public order, maintaining good relation uniform dress should be worn. It is public order.

    • 23 Feb 2022 3:03 PM IST

      Naganand : Constitution makers wanted a person to have his own freedom of thought process. So freedom of conscience.

    • 23 Feb 2022 3:03 PM IST

      Nagananand : Freedom of conscience is, Conscience, is that voice which we hear from the recesses of our heart...Freedom of conscience means. What your heart tells you.

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