JFSL Invites Submissions For Blog On Outer Space Law


9 Feb 2023 10:23 AM IST

  • JFSL Invites Submissions For Blog On Outer Space Law

    About JFSL

    The Jindal Forum for Space Law, founded by law students of Jindal Global Law School, envisages to foster an interest in space law, along with alumni, faculty and professionals in space law and related fields. We wish to generate discourse and awareness about Space Law issues at both the national and international level. Our aim is to create a space for students to create and publish content in the field of space law. As an initiative in an esteemed Indian University, we wish to contribute to the academic discourse on Indian Space law, considering the competitive environment for all space faring nations. Additionally, we aim to contribute to creating a national space policy and increase discussions around private investment and participation in space exploration.

    The link to the blog is available here.

    Call for Submissions

    Submissions are invited on any subject matter related to and limited to Outer Space Law on a rolling basis.


    a. Mode of Submission: JFSL accepts submissions on a rolling basis from external contributors.

    b. JFSL invites submissions on any subject matter related to and limited to Outer Space Law.

    The following is an indicative list of permitted areas of submission:

    - National and International Space Policies

    - International Law of Outer Space including, Treaties, Bilateral Agreements etc.

    - Municipal Laws related to Outer Space

    - Outer Space Agencies and Bodies - International and Regional c. Co-authorship: Co-authorship up to 2 authors is permitted.

    d. The article should be submitted in both Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) and PDF format to ‘jfsl.jgu@gmail.com’

    e. The manuscript should not contain the name of the author or their institutional affiliation or any other identification mark

    f. The following details of the author(s) must be mentioned in the body of the email

    • Full Name
    • Year of Study (if applicable)
    • Institution/Organisation of Affiliation (if applicable)
    • Email ID
    • Mobile Number

    g. The articles submitted must adhere to a word limit between 800-1500 words and should be analytical in nature. JFSL is flexible on the word count depending on the quality of the submission.

    h. References must be hyperlinked within the text of the article with credible online sources. Endnotes/Bibliography (OSCOLA or Bluebook) to be used in case of unavailability of online sources.

    • Posts will be considered for publication based on various factors including relevance, quality, structure, logic and writing style.
    • Each submission must include 3-5 relevant keywords.


    a. The article shall be in,

    i. Font: Times New Roman

    ii. Font Size: 12

    iii. Line Spacing: 1.5

    iv. Style: Normal

    v. Alignment: Justified

    vi. File Name: Topic_Author Name.docx

    vii. Title of Article should be equal to or less than 100 characters viii. Abbreviations of any defined terms used shall be placed inside (parenthesis) at the first occurrence in the manner specified. For Example, Outer Space Treaty (“OST”)

    ix. Direct quotations from any judgement or order should be italicised and placed inside “double quotes”.


    a. The manuscripts submitted for publication should be an original work of the author who shall be responsible for ensuring the veracity of the statement of facts, opinions, or views in the submission.

    b. JFSL maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. In case of any plagiarism, the article will be rejected/removed.

    c. JFSL maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. Submissions are accepted for publication on the condition that they do not infringe the copyright or any other rights of any third parties. All submissions will be checked for plagiarism. Infringing, offensive, or plagiarised submissions will be rejected/removed.


    a. An acknowledgement of the receipt of submission shall be made by JFSL within 3 days of receipt of manuscript.

    b. The manuscript will then go through a double-blind peer review process. c. The editorial team would normally review and revert to the author within 15 days.

    d. Authors should be prepared to make suitable changes to their articles as required by the editorial team before acceptance.

    e. All decisions made by the editorial team are final and may not be subject to additional review.

    f. While we strive to provide substantive feedback for every submission we receive, it may not always be possible to do so. We reserve the right to reject submissions without providing substantive feedback.


    a. The articles published on JFSL are the intellectual property of JFSL. b. As a condition of publication, the author(s) grant JFSL an irrevocable, transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to reproduce, publish, and distribute their submission in all media including but not limited to any print and electronic services.

    c. Cross-posting may be permitted on a case-by-case basis.
    In case of any questions, concerns, or feedback, email at 'jfsl.jgu@gmail.com'.

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