National Seminar On “Law And Medicine”

Update: 2016-10-19 11:17 GMT

Law and Medicine intersect with the life of every human being from the womb till the grave. Significant leaps in medical practices and revisions in national legal frameworks demand a closer look on their nexus. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Chair (Centre for Human Rights and Social Justice), Department of Law, University of Kerala, endeavours to assimilate these changes in its upcoming National Seminar to be held on December 14-15, 2016.

Legal and medical professionals, members of academia, young and upcoming research scholars, social activists and the representatives of governmental and nongovernmental organizations are invited to present their views on the below mentioned themes. The authors are also at liberty to explore issues that are closely associated with the themes of the seminar. The organizers encourage and welcome national, cross national and international perspectives on the below mentioned themes with focus on their medical, legal and ethical dimensions.

  • Sexual and Reproductive Rights – ARTs, Surrogacy, Abortion, Medical Termination of Pregnancy

  • Mental Health, Insanity

  • Old Age, Geriatric Care, Dementia

  • Property over Tissue and Blood, Organ Transplantation

  • Death and Brain Death, Permanent Vegetative State, Euthanasia

  • Patient Autonomy, Informed Consent, Medical Paternalism

  • Domestic Violence & its Impact and Application in Health Care

  • Medical Negligence, Medical Evidence, Expert Opinion

  • Drug Marketing, Drug Hoarding

Submission Details:

Abstracts not exceeding 300 words shall be submitted on or before November 10, 2016 to, clearly indicating the name of the seminar. The communication of acceptance will be made by November 17, 2016. The full papers shall be sent on or before December 7, 2016. The full paper shall not exceed 3000 words and shall be in Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing.  Selected papers will be published in book form with the code of ISBN number. Queries, with respect to the seminar may be sent to

Address for Communication:

Dr. Bismi Gopalakrishnan

Hon. Director (Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Chair) & Director (National Seminar)

Department of Law, University of Kerala, Karyavattom P.O.

Trivandrum – 695581, Phone: 9446427447 

Ann Thania Alex

Research Assistant (Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Chair) & Co-ordinator (National Seminar)

Department of Law, University of Kerala, Karyavattom P.O.

Trivandrum – 695581, Phone: 9742713785

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