[Live Updates] : 5th NLIU Justice R. K. Tankha Memorial International Arbitration Moot Court Competition

Update: 2020-02-21 09:32 GMT
Live Updates - Page 10
2020-02-22 06:40 GMT

Court room 5

11:35- The teams have now been asked to move out of the court room, as the judges finally formulate their feedbacks and tabulate scores.

2020-02-22 06:39 GMT

Courtroom 12

Judges: Anuja Pethia and Raghav Kumar Singh

Team code 9


Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai

Speaker Kareem Sobti
Speaker Khushbu Shah


Devshree Patil
Shruti Dhonde

Team code 18

University School of Law and Legal Studies, GGSIPU


Speaker 1- Rohan Mandal
Speaker 2- Shiva Pande
Researcher- Ishita Khurana

At 10:35, rounds have started in courtroom 12.

The rounds start with a bit of hesitation from the teams but just a few minutes and few questions later the teams seem more confident. The months of research is visible especially for the respondents as they very smoothly answer the questions put forth. The claimants have fallen into a trap and are not able to answer the questions being thrown at them. However, the judges allow them a few more minutes to complete their arguments. Some unanswered questions later, the anxiety is very visible on the teams’ faces. The respondents very comfortably and confidently move from one argument to another, answering almost all the questions. The expression on the judges’ faces are enough to indicate the respondents have convinced the judges to their best.

2020-02-22 06:35 GMT

Court Room 6

11:45 - The rebuttals and surrebuttals have begun. The judges listen intently and seem satisfied with the submissions.

11:50 - Preliminary round 1 has ended. The teams have left the court room, as the judges discuss the speeches of the teams and score them. The judges seem to be tilting towards one of the speakers especially.

2020-02-22 06:32 GMT

Courtroom 8

Claimants have argued that time was not the essence of the contract and hence no fundamental breach has occurred. The counsel seems a bit nervous in answering the questions posed by the Judges.

The respondents have reserved 2 min for rebuttal and the claimant has reserved 1 min. Now as the round is about to end, the atmosphere in the room has become more intense. Parties are presenting there say on the arguments of the other party. The judges ask their final question from the claimants. The round has ended and the participants congratulate each other.

2020-02-22 06:29 GMT

Court Room 17

It is often commented that many a times, it is the complexities and extravagances of linguistic gimmicks and pyrotechnics that make arbitration peculiar. Such was at play in the rounds as the respondents employed their tact and diplomacy to satisfy the judges.

The teams were brilliantly matched and the results will undoubtedly reflect the same.

2020-02-22 06:27 GMT

Court room 5

11:15- The counsel for the Respondents replies to the Judges' question by citing Singapore Arbitration Rules in order to refute the claim of jurisdiction.

11:20- The counsel for the Respondent appeared to be very coherent in presenting his client's stance in the case.

The atmosphere in the Court seems very settled and calm.

11:25- The atmosphere in the court room appears to have suddenly changed completely. The judges have caught the nerve of the counsel for the Respondent, as the last issue from the side of the respondent is now being argued.

11:30- The teams are now submitting their rebuttals. The counsel for the Claimant points out a factual inaccuracy in the Respondent's submissions. The opposing team is now asked to present its surebuttals.

2020-02-22 06:25 GMT

Court Room 16

“Indeed, Mr. Arbitrator but…”

As the rounds proceeded, the judges’ questioning became more relentless and the answers of the participants more tactful. Everybody in the room collectively breathed a sigh of relief when the judges finally allowed the Respondents to move on with their submissions.

All the while, the petitioners were caught hard at work on their rebuttals.

2020-02-22 06:24 GMT

Court room no. 18

11:45- The rebuttals are done. Abhilekh Tiwari and Kritika Tailor, on behalf of the claimants, were all equipped with counter arguments. The round indeed showed the hardwork of both the teams.

2020-02-22 06:24 GMT

The rebuttals have been made and the rounds have come to an end. The judges as well as the participants seem extremely satisfied by the round. The participants have now vacated the court room while scoring is done. This round has successfully come to an end.

2020-02-22 06:23 GMT

Court room 9:

The rounds were progressing very smoothly when Uh oh! the court clerk raised the placard marking the end of the time provided to the second speaker. However, the judges asked the speaker to sum up her contentions in one minute.

It's time for the Respondents to present their case. The speaker started by guiding the judges to a particular sentence written in the moot proposition. The judges listened very carefully and then asked him a question regarding that.

After the first speaker speaking for about 15 minutes, the second speaker took charge. The judges asked the speaker what the respondent's interest was in this case. She tried to answer the question but was bombarded with questions, one after one.

The second speaker is moving forward to the last issue on the agenda. There is a heated discussion going on between the speaker and the judges. The speaker is not trembling while answering the questions, howsoever.


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