Court room 9: The rounds were progressing very... ... [Live Updates] : 5th NLIU Justice R. K. Tankha Memorial International Arbitration Moot Court Competition

Court room 9:

The rounds were progressing very smoothly when Uh oh! the court clerk raised the placard marking the end of the time provided to the second speaker. However, the judges asked the speaker to sum up her contentions in one minute.

It's time for the Respondents to present their case. The speaker started by guiding the judges to a particular sentence written in the moot proposition. The judges listened very carefully and then asked him a question regarding that.

After the first speaker speaking for about 15 minutes, the second speaker took charge. The judges asked the speaker what the respondent's interest was in this case. She tried to answer the question but was bombarded with questions, one after one.

The second speaker is moving forward to the last issue on the agenda. There is a heated discussion going on between the speaker and the judges. The speaker is not trembling while answering the questions, howsoever.

Update: 2020-02-22 06:23 GMT

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