Court room 5 11:15- The counsel for the... ... [Live Updates] : 5th NLIU Justice R. K. Tankha Memorial International Arbitration Moot Court Competition

Court room 5

11:15- The counsel for the Respondents replies to the Judges' question by citing Singapore Arbitration Rules in order to refute the claim of jurisdiction.

11:20- The counsel for the Respondent appeared to be very coherent in presenting his client's stance in the case.

The atmosphere in the Court seems very settled and calm.

11:25- The atmosphere in the court room appears to have suddenly changed completely. The judges have caught the nerve of the counsel for the Respondent, as the last issue from the side of the respondent is now being argued.

11:30- The teams are now submitting their rebuttals. The counsel for the Claimant points out a factual inaccuracy in the Respondent's submissions. The opposing team is now asked to present its surebuttals.

Update: 2020-02-22 06:27 GMT

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