Call for Papers : NLSIU's Socio-Legal Review

Update: 2014-08-12 03:24 GMT

The Socio-Legal Review (SLR) is a student-edited, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published by  the  Law  and  Society  Committee of  the  National  Law  School  of  India  University,  Bangalore.  SLR aims  to  be  a  forum  that  involves,  promotes  and  engages  students  and  scholars  to  express  and  share  their  ideas  and  opinions  on  themes  and  methodologies  relating  to  the  interface  of  law  and  society.  The Journal thus features guest articles by eminent scholars as well as student essays, providing an interface for the two communities to interact. From 2012, SLR has become a biannual publication from an annual publication.

The Socio-Legal Review welcomes contributions for its eleventh volume to be released in 2015.

Word Limit

Articles: not exceeding 8000 words

Short articles: not exceeding 5000 words

Book Reviews: not exceeding 3000 words

Submission Guidelines

1)      All contributions submitted to the Journal should be original and should not be simultaneously considered for publication elsewhere.

2)      Contributions should be mailed only in a soft copy to and, the subject of the mail being 'Submission for 2014 Volume'. Biographical information is to be provided in a removable title page.

3)      All submissions are to be made via e-mail as .doc or .docx documents.

4)      SLR follows the Harvard Blue Book – A Uniform System of Citation (19th edn.) style of referencing. Contributors are requested to comply with the same.

Last Date for Submission:  November 1, 2014

For any clarifications, please contact us at   or



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