Call For Papers, Journal for Disability Studies And Policy Review (JDSPR) VOL. 1, No. I, 2017
The Journal for Disability Studies And Policy Review (JDSPR) is peer reviewed Journal published bi-annually by Centre for Disability Studies and Health Laws, National Law University Assam, Guwahati. The Journal aims to publish articles, case comments, book reviews on all aspects of disability studies and related issues. Here the special emphasis is placed on contemporary challenges and policies of disability jurisprudence.
NLUA Assam welcomes contribution for the first Volume of the JDSPR from researchers, academicians, judges, jurists, practitioners, students, activists, scholars and prominent thinkers across the globe.
Categories for Submission
- Research Articles: (5000 and 7000 words)
- Notes / Comments: (2000 and 3500 words)
- Case / Report Comments: (maximum 2500 words)
- Book Review: (1000- 1500 words)
Guidelines for Submission:
- Submissions must contain an Abstract (250-300 words) that outlines the main questions or themes addressed in the paper followed with five Keywords.
- The Research Paper has to be submitted along with a Covering Letter, addressed to Mr. Sachin Sharma, Coordinator, Centre for Disability Studies and Health Laws, National Law University Assam.
- Submissions must be emailed at (only in .docx format). The cover letter should include the author’s profile.
- The submission must be the original work of the author and must not have been submitted elsewhere or pending review.
- Co-authorship is allowed. Maximum number of Co-author for a submission shall only be one.
31st July 2017 is the last date of submission.
For further queries kindly e-mail at and for more information click here