Call For Papers: Prof. H. N. Tripathi Foundation National Conference On Law, Policy & Governance Crossroads Towards The Sustainable Development [November 11, BHU, Varanasi]

Update: 2018-10-02 16:20 GMT

Prof. H. N. Tripathi Foundation BHU, Varanasi is organising National Conference on Law, Policy & Governance Crossroads towards the Sustainable Development scheduled on 11th November, 2018.

Venue: K.N. Uduppa Auditorium, I.M.S. Banaras Hindu University (B.H.U.), Varanasi


  • Law and sustainable development, renewable energy and climate change.

  • Industries, Technological Development – its impact on environment

  • Agriculture and changing patterns of working of gram panchayats

  • Sustainable Urban town planning and developmental activities

  • Sustainable governance and environmental protection

  • Sustainable use of energy and policies barriers.

  • Health Laws and concerns to environment

  • Use of bio manures and its importance

  • Relevancy of insurance in agriculture sector

  • Agriculture credit and farmers burden

  • Strengthening of co-operative societies in agriculture

  • Role of financial institutions in agriculture

  • Role of state in promoting traditional methods of farming

  • Relevancy of integrated farming

  • Water-shed development

  • Social forestry and farm forestry

  • Bio fuel and energy cropping

  • Farm structure and environmental sustainability

  • Soil testing and over use of pesticides

  • Barren land and industrial impact

  • Genetic modified seeds and its prospects

  • Plant variety and biodiversity

  • Traditional knowledge v. IPR


  • Sustainable use of energy

  • Agriculture

  • Urban town planning

  • Industries

  • Health

 Submission Guidelines:

  • Abstracts not exceeding 300 words on any of the aforesaid themes should be sent to the Organizing Secretary through email at on or before 27 OCTOBER 2018

  • Intimation of Acceptance of Abstract within 3- 4 working day of submission (if accepted).

  • All Papers and Abstracts shall be sent via e-mail to hntripathi17@gmail.comas an attachment, the subject of which should mention ‘ABSTRACT SUBMISSION’ or ‘PAPER SUBMISSION’ accordingly.

  • Co-authorship up to two is allowed with separate registration.

  • Both the Abstracts and Final Papers should mandatorily have Cover Page which clearly indicates the following-

    • Name of the author(s)

    • Designation of the author(s)

    • Contact details of the author(s)

    • Email Id(s) of the author(s)

  • Full-length research paper, maximum in 6 pages should be submitted latest by 30 OCTOBER 2018through email at

  • The participants are expected to avoid plagiarism as far as possible and submit original papers only. Thus, any previously published material shall not be accepted.

Important Dates:

  • Submission of Abstract not more than 200-300 words: 27th October 2018

  • Last date of intimation of acceptance of abstracts: 29 October 2018

  • Submission of full Paper: 30 OCTOBER 2018

  • Last date of Registration: 5th November 2018

For any queries Email at

For Brochure click here

For Registration Form click here

For Poster click here

For the full paper, template click here

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