Bombay High Court has resumed hearing on petition filed by Republic TV And Arnab Goswami challenging Bombay Police's FIR/Charge-sheet in the TRP...
Bombay High Court has resumed hearing on petition filed by Republic TV And Arnab Goswami challenging Bombay Police's FIR/Charge-sheet in the TRP Case.
Live Updates
2021-03-17 05:35:14
17 March 2021 11:15 AM IST
J Shinde - Mr Hirey in many cases we have seen khichdi pak rahi hai, for years together. Isn't it a hanging sword on someone's head?
J Pitale- there is a history to it. the apprehension is real.
17 March 2021 11:13 AM IST
SPP for Mumbai Police Shishir Hirey says he needs to take instructions.
J Shinde says they are only dealing with the present petitioners
17 March 2021 11:12 AM IST
J Shinde tells the Special SPP, how long would the investigation continue? If we hear the matter on merits, we may allow or may not allow the petition, but what happens to your investigation if we do?
17 March 2021 11:09 AM IST
J Shinde- You want us to draw the inference that even after two charge sheets no sufficient material is collected.
Mundargi- In case the court feels that the investigation can't be stopped, the petition should be admitted because today there is no material against me.
17 March 2021 11:08 AM IST
J Shinde - What about the individual employees? You are separating Republic TV from the individuals
Mundargi- Material is not sufficient. No case is made out.
17 March 2021 11:08 AM IST
The court assembles to hear the petition.
Court asks Sr Adv Ashok Mundargi to tell the court his line of arguments
Mundargi -Even after two charge sheets, there is no significant material on record.