[Live-Updates] Hearing On Chandrasekhar Azad's Plea For Modification Of Bail Conditions


21 Jan 2020 2:33 PM IST

  • [Live-Updates] Hearing On Chandrasekhar Azads Plea For Modification Of Bail Conditions

    Tis Hazari court starts hearing the application filed by Bhim Army Chief Chandra Shekhar Azad for modification of Conditions in the Bail...

    Tis Hazari court starts hearing the application filed by Bhim Army Chief Chandra Shekhar Azad for modification of Conditions in the Bail Order.

    Live Updates

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:31 PM IST

      Judge Lau now asks ACP what it is that he is apprehending.

      ACP says Azad could incite violence.

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:30 PM IST

      Pracha- So hate speech is dropped?

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:30 PM IST

      PP is consulting ACP regarding charges. Concedes there's no such charge.

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:29 PM IST

      Judge Lau : Based on all the FIRs you submitted last time, I don't find even 1 FIR with any section regarding hate speech

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:28 PM IST

      PP tries to interject.

      Judge Lau stops him.

      Judge Lau- You first tell me what sections you've invoked about hate speeches in previous FIRs

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:28 PM IST

      Judge Lau- mr Pracha what dates do you want to be in Delhi for

      Pracha- I might not be here continuously. To satisfy them as well. I'll come and go.

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:27 PM IST

      PP- He could incite violence through hate speeches.

      Judge Lau- What hate speech? what sections have you invoked for those speeches? What do you call a hate speech?

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:26 PM IST

      PP repeats that there could be similar issues regarding previous offence.

      Judge Lau repeats, what issue, what materials? Show me.

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:26 PM IST

      Pracha says he's been to 5 other states, what's special about Delhi. There was nothing wrong there

    • 21 Jan 2020 3:25 PM IST

      PP again talks of apprehension.

      Judge Lau says what may he do? What is the apprehension?

      Tell me based on past conduct.

      PP- he may repeat the same offence

      Judge Lau- What offence? Tell me. He'll read the preamble??

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