Hijab Ban : No Religious Dress In Colleges During Pendency Of Case, Says Karnataka High Court| LIVE UPDATES [Day 3]


10 Feb 2022 8:45 AM GMT

  • Hijab Ban : No Religious Dress In Colleges During Pendency Of Case, Says Karnataka High Court| LIVE UPDATES [Day 3]

    A Full Bench of the Karnataka High Court will hear petitions filed by Muslim students challenging Hijab Ban in colleges at 2.30 PM today.A single bench had referred the petitions to larger bench yesterday observing that "questions of seminal importance" are involved.The single bench also said that the question of interim relief will be considered by the larger bench.The matter is before a...

    A Full Bench of the Karnataka High Court will hear petitions filed by Muslim students challenging Hijab Ban in colleges at 2.30 PM today.

    A single bench had referred the petitions to larger bench yesterday observing that "questions of seminal importance" are involved.

    The single bench also said that the question of interim relief will be considered by the larger bench.

    The matter is before a bench comprising Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justice Krishna S Dixit and Justice JM Khazi will hear the petitions today at 2.30 PM.

    Stay on this page for live-updates from the hearing.

    Live Updates

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:56 AM GMT

      Chief Justice : We are considering the issue whether wearing of head scarf comes within fundamental right under Article 25. One more question which may require consideration, is whether wearing of head scarf is part of essential religious practice.

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:54 AM GMT

      Kamat says that in the GO the State has made a declaration that head scarf is not a part of religion. That is why the challenge to the GO is important.

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:53 AM GMT

      Advocate General interrupts. Kamat objects - This is not a street. I respect the AG and I expect a modicum of respect back. This is not how the Advocate General of State must be making submissions.

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:52 AM GMT

      Kamat : Our fundamental right is held hostage to some school committee. The GO says prohibition of head scarf is not a violation of Article 25. The GO is not as innocuous as the State says.

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:51 AM GMT

      Kamat : Let them continue to wear headscarf of the same colour and continue going to college.

      The state is playing by the fire. In the GO, State says that head scarf is not a religious practice and discretion is given to CDC to decide. 

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:51 AM GMT

      Kamat : This is not a issue of uniform. The students were wearing uniform. They only wanted to wear the head scarf of the same colour. The State has issued a GO saying head scarf cannot be worn. This is part of their religious culture. This is an innocuous practice.

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:49 AM GMT

      Chief Justice : Things were coming back on track after covid, but now this has happened and it is not a good situation.

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:48 AM GMT

      Chief Justice : It should be the concern of everyone that educational institutions should start at the earliest and all these issues shall be decided by the court. Our endeavour should be that education of students should start.

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:47 AM GMT

      AG: Without insisiting on particular dress code, they must adhere to the dress code as of today. Subject to what lordhsips hold. As a state, we are concerned apart from Law and Order issues.

    • 10 Feb 2022 9:46 AM GMT

      Advocate General : We want to start the institutions. We want the children to come. But we cannot start with one set of students coming with head scarfs and another set coming with saffron shawls. They must go back to status quo ante.

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