CBSE ICSE CLASS XII Cancellation/ Assessment Scheme: Supreme Court Hearing-Live Updates


22 Jun 2021 8:44 AM GMT

  • CBSE ICSE CLASS XII Cancellation/ Assessment Scheme: Supreme Court Hearing-Live Updates

    Supreme Court has commenced hearing various petitions relating to CBSE/ICSE Class XII Examinations Live-Updates...

    Supreme Court has commenced hearing various petitions relating to CBSE/ICSE Class XII Examinations 

    Live-Updates here

    Live Updates

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:11 AM GMT

      AG: No one knows when the situation will come to take exams. As far as life of each student is concerned, it’s important and protected by Article 21. If students contracts the disease after being forced to appear, who’s to blame? 

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:10 AM GMT

      AG: This situation has arisen for first time. They had to innovate and think of students’ best interest. 13 experts have put their heads together and has been approved by Board by 30 members. #CBSE 

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:09 AM GMT

      Bench: This (computation of marks) will be for the entire school or candidate wise?

      AG: All the students together.

      Bench: Then that’s more of a reason why students won’t know what marks they will get. It will be with the committee.

      AG: This is school wise not candidate wise

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:09 AM GMT

      AG takes Court through the Board’s policy for Computation of Theory Marks. 

       #CBSE #ICSE #cbseboardexams2021

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:08 AM GMT

      Bench: Why cant one option be taken out of unit tests/ mid terms/ pre boards

      AG: The more exams the better for the students. 

       #CBSE #ICSE #cbseboardexams2021 #class12exams @abhishekbscllb @anubha1812 @AdvMamtaSharma

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:07 AM GMT

      Bench; You’ll have to have some crosscheck then. 

      AG: That’s why result committee will be there

      #CBSE #ICSE

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:04 AM GMT

      Bench; So far as 10th and 11th 30% marks are concerned that won’t be a problem ad they are already on record. For class 12th you have said it will be taken for unit test/mid terms. Are these unit tests available with Boards? 

      AG: No 

      Bench: So that’s with School? #CBSE #ICSE

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:03 AM GMT

      AG: Noone knew this situation would come about. If they wanted to alter the marks they’d have to commit forgery. Therefore, if somewhere they find marks have been exaggerated then the Committee will go through marks and decide. 

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:01 AM GMT

      Bench: Another submission was that data isn’t available with Both Boards

       #CBSE #ICSE #cbseboardexams2021 #class12exams @abhishekbscllb @anubha1812 @AdvMamtaSharma

    • 22 Jun 2021 10:01 AM GMT

      Bench: We will accept your submission, but if it’s appropriate formula to be adopted why ICSE hasn’t? 

      Sr Adv Das for ICSE: We have standard deviation formula, so we take 6 years for benefit of students. 

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