Manika Batra v. TT Federation: Delhi High Court Temporarily Stays Federation's Rules On Attending National Coaching Camp

Update: 2021-09-23 13:14 GMT

The Delhi High Court on Thursday temporarily stayed till October 28, the Rules framed by the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI) which makes attending of National Coaching Camp compulsory for being selected for international events.Justice Rekha Palli took note of the submissions made by the Central Government that it will conduct an independent enquiry into the allegations put forth...

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The Delhi High Court on Thursday temporarily stayed till October 28, the Rules framed by the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI) which makes attending of National Coaching Camp compulsory for being selected for international events.

Justice Rekha Palli took note of the submissions made by the Central Government that it will conduct an independent enquiry into the allegations put forth by Batra and directed it to file a report in the matter.

"Enquiry will be held within a period of four weeks, a report of which will be placed before the High Court. While conducting enquiry, the Centre will also consider if any further scrutiny into affairs of the federation is required," the Court added.

During the course of hearing today, ASG Chetan Sharma appearing for Centre, on instructions, submitted that merit has to be the sole criteria for selection of candidates and that attending or not attending a camp will not deter India from sending it's best athletes forward. 

"My stand is very clear. Merit was, merit is, merit shall and merit has to be the sole criteria," Sharma submitted.

He also mentioned that an independent inquiry will be conducted in the matter. 

"There is nothing in the Sports Code which permits them to bar a candidate and to say that if you don't attend a camp, you'll be left out. In that way, the Country will lose on merit," Sharma added.

The Court came down heavily on Advocate Hrishikesh Baruah appearing for TTFI on its timing of constituting a committee for resolving the complaint filed by Batra, i.e., immediately after the Court's hearing on September 20.

Rejecting the stand of the federation of constituting its own Committee, the Court said:

"The action of respondent no 1 (TTFI) in enforcing the Rules at such a point of time when the issue of complaint against the National Coach was pending already with it, doesn't inspire confidence"

"I am of the view that the operation of the impugned Rules is required to be stayed till the next date. Since the respondent no 2 (Union of India) is itself inclined to hold an independent enquiry into the serious allegations of the petitioner, there is no reason by TTFI should continue with the Committee."

In view thereof, the Court added that Centre will hold the enquiry at the earliest in which an opportunity of hearing will be given to Respondent No. 3, Soumyadeep Roy, the national coach.

Earlier, the Court had granted two days' time to the Centre to file its stand.

Batra is aggrieved over the fact that she has been left out of the contingent being sent for the 25th ITTF Asian Table Tennis Championships, 2021 to be held in Doha from September 28 till October 4.

The petition alleges that Soumyadeep Roy, the national coach, had pressurized Batra to "throw away" a match with a view to help one of his trainees at his private academy to qualify for the Olympics, 2020. She thus seeks enquiry into the Federation's management and conduct of Roy.

"Table Tennis is an individual sport, which requires specialised training with support staff. Only the personal coach would know the strengths, weakness, skills and areas which a player should focus and strengthen. However, these Rules do not permit any personal coach / support staff. Therefore, the Rules of 04.08.2021 are arbitrary, irrational, absurd and have no nexus with achieving of excellence in an individualised sport, such as table tennis," the plea states.

Assailing the said Rules, the petition further states that the player undergoing training with her support staff would be severely prejudiced and her performance would be seriously affected if the Rules are not quashed.

The plea seeks the following prayers:

- Quashing the Rules and Regulations titled as "Rules and Regulations for National Camp" dated 04.08.2021 issued by Table Tennis Federation Of India. 

- Directing the TTFI to include the name of the Petitioner in the contingent representing India in the upcoming Asian Table Tennis Championship.

- Directing Union of India to enquire into the management of the TTFI, conduct of Soumyadeep Roy and other officials of Federation.

Case Title: Manika Batra v. Table Tennis Federation of India & Ors.


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