[Live Updates] MJ Akbar's Defamation Case Against Journalist Priya Ramani

Update: 2019-12-10 09:04 GMT
Live Updates - Page 2
2019-12-10 10:05 GMT

Wahab says that believed that going public about what happened to her wasn't even an option considering the public status of @mjakbar Women journalists were not encouraged to complain against male bosses

2019-12-10 10:05 GMT

Seema also told Wahab that it was entirely her fault and she should've done something about it. Wahab says that she felt petrified and helpless. Asian Age had no redressal mechanism/policy to deal with complaints of sexual harassment

2019-12-10 10:05 GMT

Wahab says that she then went back to office and informed Seema about behaviour of Akbar towards her. She was hoping that Seema would confront Akbar, but she said she wasn't surprised by his behaviour and there's only little she could do about it. 

2019-12-10 10:04 GMT

She then went to the parking and sat down on a pavement. A colleague saw her running towards the pavement, who later asked her about what happened. She narrated the incident to her colleague

2019-12-10 10:04 GMT

Wahab says the next time he asked her to come to her room again, he was standing against the door. He shut the door behind her, held her shoulders and started kissing her. She clenched her lips and tried to push him. He finaly released her, she ran out crying

2019-12-10 10:04 GMT

Luthra objects to the facts stated by Wahab in her statements as the same are not related to the incidents in Bombay

2019-12-10 10:04 GMT

Wahab informs the court that Akbar was pressing his thumbs against her breasts, after a while, he stopped. She ran away from there and went to the washroom to cry. 

2019-12-10 10:03 GMT

Wahab tells the court that Akbar starting running his hands from her breasts to her thighs. She was numb, she tried to push him but he was holding on firmly. He was also blocking the door from his back

2019-12-10 10:03 GMT

She says the dictionary was placed so low that one had to either bend down or squat. When she squatted, Akbar came from behind and held her waist

2019-12-10 09:56 GMT

In Aug/Sep 97, Akbar called me to his room. When I went inside, he asked me to shut the door, and then asked me to look up a word in the dictionary which was placed on a low height stool across his desk. 


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