'Protector Became Predator': Delhi Court Sentences Father To Life Imprisonment For Raping Minor Daughter

Update: 2024-05-01 08:33 GMT
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A Delhi Court recently sentenced a 50 year old man to life imprisonment for raping his 11 year old minor daughter soon after her mother's death, observing that the offence does not deserve any leniency.Additional Sessions Judge Anu Aggarwal of Saket Courts said that where a child is sexually abused by a family member, especially biological father, it is nothing less than betrayal of trust...

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A Delhi Court recently sentenced a 50 year old man to life imprisonment for raping his 11 year old minor daughter soon after her mother's death, observing that the offence does not deserve any leniency.

Additional Sessions Judge Anu Aggarwal of Saket Courts said that where a child is sexually abused by a family member, especially biological father, it is nothing less than betrayal of trust and impairment of social values.

“Such an offence leaves long lasting emotional and psychological impact on the child. It leaves permanent scar on the psychological health of the child and these scars are invisible and cannot be measured by any yardstick. These invisible scars haunts the child throughout life and the child looses the trust in the family and friends in particular and in the society, in general,” the court said.

On February 07, the man was convicted for the offences punishable under Sections 376AB of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and Section 6 of POCSO Act.

The convict had three children, including the victim who is 16 year old now. The victim impact report stated that the victim was 11 year old when she was raped by her father and is presently living in a shelter home.

The report further stated that the victim suffered mental trauma due to the incident and wanted to move ahead in life. It added that she had not received any compensation till now.

“The child bestow the unconditional trust in the parents and expects the love, affection and protection from the parents. Regarding the affection and relation of father and daughter, we often hear the phrase "Papa Ki Ladli". However, the question arises as to what the child would do if the protector become predator,” the court said.

It added that the house is concerned to be the safe place for a child but when the same is turned into the place of sexual abuse, the minor has not place to go.

While awarding life imprisonment to the father, the court directed him to pay expenses to the State of Rs. 9,729.

The court also awarded a final compensation of Rs. 12 lakhs to the victim under the Delhi Victim Compensation Scheme, 2018.

APP Arun Kuruvath Venugopal appeared for the State. Advocate Vidhushi Shishodia appeared for DCW. LAC Harshita Singh appeared for convict.

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