VIT University, Chennai is going to organize the National Seminar on Law, Science and Technology on 23rd July, 2016.
About the Seminar:
With law often playing catch up to ever-changing technology, the study of how law interacts with science and technology is critical one now, than ever before. Science and technology have profoundly influenced the course of human civilization. Moreover, Science has provided us insights into the world we live in. Science and Technology play an important role in transforming India into a modern, industrialized society. Science, technology and innovation are even more relevant today.
The areas such as Intellectual Property Right, Cyber Law, Air and Space Law, Health Law, Environmental Law, Energy Law, Biotechnology, Nano Technology and Scientific Investigation in Criminal Law and Human Rights are ever changing today due to the rapid advancement of Science and Technology.The main motto of the seminar is to widen the awareness about interconnectedness of Law, Science and Technology to academicians, research scholars, students and even to common masses.
- Information Technology and Cyber Law
- E-Commerce, E-Governance, Internet Banking, E- Court, Digital Signature, Computer Crimes
- Biotechnology and Law
- Genetic Engineering and Human Rights
- Human Cloning, Food Security and Management
- Health Law
- Organ Transplantation, Experiment on Human Being - Ethics of Clinical Trail, Foeticide-Abortion-In-Vitro Fertilization and Sex Determination Techniques in India.
- Criminal Investigation Techniques
- Narco Analysis - Brain Mapping - Lie Detector Test - Forensic Science - DNA Finger Printing
- Air and Space Law
- Outer Space and Law, Space Application Viz. remote sensing, Protection of Space Environment, Air and Space Law and Policies
- Nano-Technology and Law
- Nano Medicine and Surgery
- Intellectual Property Rights
- Bio Patenting, Patenting of Medicine - Public Health and other related issues - Moral and Ethical aspects of Science and Technology
- Energy Law
- Atomic Energy and Law
- Petroleum Technology and Law
The Sub themes are only illustrative.
Call for Papers:
Original unpublished Research Papers, Articles and Case Studies are invited from Academicians / Research Scholars / Advocates and Students to be presented in the Seminar. The papers will be selected after plagiarism check (15 %) using Turnitin. The abstract and full paper will undergo double blind peer review process by the expert reviewers committee before selection. The seminar papers will be published with an ISBN. The selected papers will be published as a book.
Submission Guidelines:
- Paper Title
- Author particulars: Name in one line and Affiliation with email and phone no.
- Abstract within 200 words, in italics. 3 to 6 keywords.
- Full paper should not exceed 3000 words.
- References should be in Harvard Blue Book 19th Edition, MS Office Word 2003 format. Font name times-new-roman, font size 12 pt and Line Space 1.5"
The editors have every right to make changes or modification in the paper to make it suitable for publication.
Registration Fee:
- Academicians / NGOs: Rs.1500/-
- Research Scholars: Rs.750/-
- Every additional Author: Rs.750/-
- UG and PG Students: Rs.500/-
Accommodation will be provided with prior request at an additional cost.
- All the delegates are requested to bring one hard copy of the original full paper and ID Proof at the time of Registration.
- The Demand Draft is to be drawn in favour of "VIT University" payable at Chennai
Important Dates:
Last Date of Submission of Abstract 30 June, 2016
Confirmation of Abstract 2nd July, 2016
Last Date of Submission of Full Paper, DD and Registration form- 15th July, 2016
VIT University
Chennai Campus
Vandalur, Kelambakkam Road,
Chennai - 600127
Email: Iawsciencetechnologyvitsol2016@gmail.com
Read the brochure here.