Constitutional Law Society of NUJS Kolkata launches 'Constitutional Law Answers'

Update: 2015-12-14 03:25 GMT

Earlier this year, the Constitutional Law Society (CLS) of West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences created a cyber hotline known as 'Constitutional Law Answers', where members of the Society address various questions and queries within the realm of Constitutional Law. This initiative has currently taken the form of a Facebook page, the link to which is provided below. The initiative has been well received, with questions flowing in from all corners of the world.

This page is an initiative of the Constitutional Law Society [CLS] of The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. The CLS wishes to promote a forum for dialogue and discourse on all matters pertaining to Constitutional Law. Anyone may post any query or question they'd like elaborated on this page and the CLS's expert team of researchers will provide them with an answer within three days, along with additional readings for the individual to pursue. There is no thematic restriction as such, the CLS is open to any discourse on Constitutional Law, be it from a different jurisprudence or time frame. We encourage all users to enthusiastically partake in this initiative and interact with our expert team and with other users as well.

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