XX All India Moot Court Competition University Law College, Bangalore

Nikita Hora

30 Dec 2015 5:17 AM

  • XX All India Moot Court Competition University Law College, Bangalore

    University Law College, Bangalore is organizing XX All India Moot Court Competition.


    University Law College, Bangalore University, Bangalore


    1. Last day for Provisional Online Registration

              (Scanned copy of the Registration Form):                  2nd January, 2016.

    1. Last day for seeking clarification on problem :          7th January, 2016.
    2. Posting of clarifications :                                                
      10th January, 2016.
    3. Last day for Online Submission of
    4. soft copies of the Memorials:                                         26th January, 2016.
    5. Last day for Submission of 2 Hard Copies of the Memorials and the filled-up
    6. Registration Forms (hard copy):                                  30th January, 2016.
    7. Announcement of selected memorials :                      First week of February.
    8. Competition Dates:                                                          
      26th Feb to 28th Feb 2016


    Teams must confirm their participation by sending a scanned copy of the Registration Form completely filled and duly signed by the Head of the Participating Institution to aimcc20@gmail.com latest by 11:59 pm of 2nd January, 2016.

    Click here for registration form.


    Undergraduate students pursuing three or five year courses of LL.B. degree in the academic year 2015-2016 from any Law School/ College/ University recognized by the Bar Council of India are eligible to participate.


    1. One team, comprising of minimum of two (2) and not more than three (3) members, per institution, shall be eligible to participate in the Competition, subject to completion of Registration formalities.
    2. Each team shall be composed either of two (2) speakers only or of two (2) speakers and one (1) researcher.
    3. Each team should prepare one Memorial for each side, that is, the Petitioner and the Respondent(s).
    4. Any additional member of any Participating Team shall not be entitled for hospitality or for any award. Such member or observer shall not be allowed to watch any of the rounds of the competition.


    1. Each team will have a team code and each participant shall be given anindividual code.
    2. Teams shall not disclose their identity or that of their institution or city, etc.except in the registration form. Any such disclosure shall invite strict penaltywhich may include disqualification. The decision for the same shall be at thesole discretion of the Organizers.


    1. There shall be an exchange of memorials between the respectiveopposing teams, in accordance with the fixtures as determined by adraw of lots, prior to all the Rounds of the Competition.
    2. The teams are prohibited from making any marks on the exchanged Memorials.
    3. The teams are prohibited from making any copies of the exchanged Memorials.
    4. At the conclusion of their respective Rounds, the teams are required toreturn the exchanged Memorials to the Court Assistants/Clerk wherethe Round is conducted.


    • Winning Team: The winning team of the final rounds which will be held on 28th of February, 2016.
    • Runners-up Team: The team which contested against the winning team in the final rounds.
    • Best Memorial: The Memorials, which secure the highest marks based upon the cumulative marks of both the Memorials submitted, shall be adjudged as the ‘Best Memorial’.
    • Best Researcher: The researcher securing highest marks in the researchers’ test will be adjudged as the ‘Best Researcher’.
    • Best Student Advocate: The speaker securing the highest marks based upon the cumulative marks of the Preliminary Rounds of the Competition will be adjudged as the ‘Best Student Advocate’.


    • Last date for requesting clarifications on Moot Problem is 6th January, 2016. Teams may submit their clarifications via Email toaimcc20@gmail.com Teams are requested to use the email asthe mode for seeking clarifications. The subject of mail shall be‘Seeking Clarification’.
    • The clarifications should be requested only through the form of email and will not be entertained by any other mode of communication.
    • All the clarifications will be posted on the official website of the college  on 9thJanuary, 2016.


    1. Amoghavarsha : +91-9741000090
    2. SuyogHerele : +91-9986191742


    Click here for Moot Problem.

    Click here for Rules and Regulations.

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