[UGC VS STUDENTS] SC Hearing On Petitions Seeking Cancellation Of Final Year Exams [Courtroom Exchange]


18 Aug 2020 5:24 AM GMT

  • [UGC VS STUDENTS] SC Hearing On Petitions Seeking Cancellation Of Final Year Exams [Courtroom Exchange]


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    • 18 Aug 2020 5:59 AM GMT

      SC asks if the same semester system is applicable across the country. This was in response to Maharashtra's submission that as of March 2020 5 semesters were completed in 3 yr courses and internal exam for 6th sem was also over.

    • 18 Aug 2020 5:55 AM GMT

      Justice Bhushan: We’ve understood your case that in Maharashtra it is this system. But the entire country is different. What is your argument ?

    • 18 Aug 2020 5:55 AM GMT

      Datar: I want to make one point clear. These Regulations apply across India.

      Justice Shah: So, Universities have a choice about the kind of semester system they want to follow. 

    • 18 Aug 2020 5:53 AM GMT

      Datar: The semester system is applicable throughout the country.

      SG: It is not.

      Datar: As per my instructions, it is. 

    • 18 Aug 2020 5:51 AM GMT

      Justice Bhushan states that the arguments needs to be addressed in a manner which affects the entire country, and should not be limited to a State as UGC applies across the country. 

    • 18 Aug 2020 5:50 AM GMT

      SG Mehta asks whether the pattern is present in all Universities.

      Datar states that it’s the case for State of Maharashtra. 

    • 18 Aug 2020 5:50 AM GMT

      Datar: Now today, we are only concerned with final exams. If there are 42 courses, the student has already completed 36. As of March, his CGPA will be the average of first five sems. 

    • 18 Aug 2020 5:50 AM GMT

      Not holding the exams will not amount to dilution of standards, submits Senior Advocate Arvind Datar for Maharashtra in Students vs UGC case.

    • 18 Aug 2020 5:48 AM GMT

      Datar: If I am a student of 1st semester, I write the courses and get the marks. Same for 2nd semester. Now a person gets the aggregate of these two sems which is called CGPA. 

    • 18 Aug 2020 5:46 AM GMT

      Datar: Clause 6 read with Clause 8 of the 2003 Guidelines gives the picture that a student is evaluated from Day 1. This is different from what we had in our days. 

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