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Trial Of Summons Cases Explained By Justice V Ramkumar [Part-I]
Justice V Ramkumar
4 May 2024 7:08 AM
TRIAL OF “SUMMONS CASES” – Ch. XX Cr.P.C. - It has already been seen that a “summons case” is one relating to an offence punishable with imprisonment for 2 years and below in view of Section 2 (w) read with Section 2 (x) Cr.P.C. A “summons case” can be instituted either on a “Police Report” or on a “complaint”. Let us first examine the procedure for trial of...
It has already been seen that a “summons case” is one relating to an offence punishable with imprisonment for 2 years and below in view of Section 2 (w) read with Section 2 (x) Cr.P.C.
A “summons case” can be instituted either on a “Police Report” or on a “complaint”. Let us first examine the procedure for trial of a “summons case” instituted on a “Police Report”.
S.252: Conviction on plea of guilty - If the accused pleads guilty, the Magistrate shall record the plea as nearly as possible in the words used by the accused and may, in his discretion convict him thereon.
S.254: Procedure when not convicted - (1) If the Magistrate does not convict the accused under Section 252 or Section 253, the Magistrate shall proceed to hear the prosecution and take all such evidence as may be produced in support of the prosecution, and also to hear the accused and take all such evidence as he produces in his defence. (2) The Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, on the application of the prosecution or the accused, issue a summons to any witness directing him to attend or to produce any document or other thing. (3) A Magistrate may, before summoning any witness on such application, require that the reasonable expenses of the witness incurred in attending for the purposes of the trial be deposited in Court. S.313: Power to examine the accused - (1) In every inquiry or trial, for the purpose of enabling the accused personally to explain any circumstances appearing in the evidence against him, the Court-- (a) may at any stage, without previously warning the accused put such questions to him as the Court considers necessary; (b) shall after the witnesses for the prosecution have been examined and before he is called on for his defence question him generally on the case: Provided that in a summons-case where the Court has dispensed with the personal attendance of the accused, it may also dispense with his examination under clause (b). (2) No oath shall be administered to the accused when he is examined under sub-section (1). (3) The accused shall not render himself liable to punishment by refusing to answer such question, or by giving false answers to them. (4) The answers given by the accused may be taken into consideration in such inquiry or trial, and put in evidence for or against him in any other inquiry into, or trial for, any other offence which such answers may tend to show he has committed. (5) The Court may take help of Prosecutor and Defence Counsel in preparing relevant questions which are to be put to the accused and the Court may permit filing of written statement by the accused as sufficient compliance of this section. S.255: Acquittal or conviction - (1) If the Magistrate, upon taking the evidence referred to in Section 254 and such further evidence, if any, as he may, of his own motion, cause to be produced, finds the accused not guilt, he shall record an order of acquittal. (2) Where the Magistrate does not proceed in accordance with the provisions of Section 325 or Section 360, he shall, if he finds the accused guilty, pass sentence upon him according to law. (3) A Magistrate may, under Section 252 or Section 255, convict the accused of any offence triable under this Chapter which form the facts admitted or proved he appears to have committed, whatever may be the nature of the complaint or summons, if the Magistrate is satisfied that the accused would not be prejudiced thereby. S.258: Power to stop proceedings in certain cases - In any summons-case instituted otherwise than upon complaint, a Magistrate of the first class or, with the previous sanction of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, any other Judicial Magistrate, may, for reasons to be recorded by him, stop the proceedings at any stage without pronouncing any judgment and where such stoppage of proceedings is made after the evidence of the principal witnesses has been recorded, pronounce a judgment of acquittal, and in any other case, release the accused, and such release shall have the effect of discharge.
S.259: Power of Court to convert summons-cases into warrant cases - When in the course of the trial of a summons-case relating to an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding six months, it appears to the Magistrate that in the interests of justice, the offence should be tried in accordance with the procedure for the trial of warrant-cases, such Magistrate may proceed to re-hear the case in the manner provided by this Code for the trial of warrant-cases and may recall any witness who may have been examined. |
Pre-trial release of the accused
How to state the “substance of accusation”
“Substance of accusation” should disclose the offence
3.. S.252 Cr.P.C.: Conviction on pleading guilty Plea of the accused should be “ipsissima verba”
Conviction on plea of guilt may estop the accused from challenging the conviction
The bar against challenging the conviction will not apply if the “substance of accusation” does not make out any offence
Conviction on plea of guilt is discretionary
No trial when the accused is convicted on pleading guilty
Pleading guilty cannot be an incentive for reducing sentence
Accused can be convicted for any other “admitted” or “proved” offence
4. S.254 Cr.P.C.: THE “TRIAL” PROPER
5. 313 Examination:
6. S.255 (1) Cr.P.C.: Acquittal on merits only after evidence
7. S.255 (2) Cr.P.C.: Accused to be found guilty on merits unless the Magistrate proceeds under Section 325 (1) or Section 360 Cr.P.C.
8. S.255 (3) Cr.P.C.: Accused can be convicted for any other “admitted” or “proved” offence
9. S.258 Cr.P.C.: Discharging the accused consequent on stoppage of proceedings
A Division Bench of the Kerala High Court on 05-12-2023 in 2023 KHC OnLine 821 – Jayasankaran Nambiar, Kauser Edappagath – JJ, has taken the view that the Magistrate can exercise the power under Section 258 Cr.P.C even before the appearance of the accused in a case where the accused could not be served even after coercive steps taken against him. The Bench held that the Magistrate can in such a contingency, stop the proceedings. The said view is not only contrary to the scheme under the Cr.P.C but also against the verdict of the Supreme Court in Renuka v. State of Karnata (2009) 14 SCC 345 = 2009 Cri.L.J. 2245 – S. B. Sinha, Cyriac Joseph – JJ). The Division Bench in my view, was wrong in holding that an earlier verdict of a learned Single Judge of the Kerala High Court in 2019 (3) KLT 98 = 2019 (3) KHC 188 – Raja Vijayaraghavan – J, was not correct. The remedy against evasion of process is not Section 258 Cr.P.C. but Part-C of Chapter VI Cr.P.C. 10. S.259 Cr.P.C.: Conversion of summons-case into a warrant-case
(i) the offence is punishable with imprisonment for more than 6 months, and (ii) if the Magistrate is of the opinion that it would be in the interest of justice to try the case in accordance with the procedure for trial of warrant-cases. The words “re-hear the case” indicate that the Magistrate should commence the proceedings de novo i.e. from the very start. The provisions of “summary trial” contained in Sections 262 to 265 Cr.P.C applicable for the trial of offences under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 cannot be converted into warrant trial by pressing into service Section 259 Cr.P.C. (Vide Steel Tubes of India v. Steel Authority of India 2006 Cri.L.J. 1988 (MP) – S. L. Kochar – J). |