Supreme Court To Take Up Regular Ready Hearing Matters During Summer Vacation If Both Sides Agree

Srishti Ojha

7 May 2022 10:36 AM

  • Supreme Court To Take Up Regular Ready Hearing Matters During Summer Vacation If Both Sides Agree

    With summer vacation at the Apex Court commencing from 23rd May 2022, the Supreme Court has notified that Regular Ready hearing matters will be taken up for hearing before the Vacation Benches from Monday to Friday.Only the matters from the notified subject categories will be taken up as per the guidelines and norms approved by the Chief Justice of India.Any Counsel and Party-in-Person...

    With summer vacation at the Apex Court commencing from 23rd May 2022, the Supreme Court has notified that Regular Ready hearing matters will be taken up for hearing before the Vacation Benches from Monday to Friday.

    Only the matters from the notified subject categories will be taken up as per the guidelines and norms approved by the Chief Justice of India.

    Any Counsel and Party-in-Person who desires that their case which is pending and ready for Regular hearing be taken up during the Summer Vacation, 2022 will have to:

    • Ensure that the case comes under any of the Subject Categories notified
    • Obtain the consent of all the parties/Advocates appearing in the case
    • Furnish the particulars of such case after obtaining sufficiently in advance, and in any case, before 13.05.2022 to the Additional Registrar (OSD) (Listing).

    The Court will reopen after summer recess on July 10.

    The subject categories whose ready and pending cases will be taken up have been notified and include the following-

    Labour matters, Rent act, direct tax, indirect tax, Land acquisition and requisition matters, service, academic, arbitration, compensation, habeas corpus matters, criminals matters except death and security scam cases, family law matters, contempt of court matters, ordinary civil matters except security scam civil matters.

    Personal law matters, religious and charitable endowments, simple money and mortgage matters, establishment and recognition of educational institutions, eviction under public premises act, land laws and agricultural tenancies, admiralty and maritime laws, matters relating to consumer protection, armed forces and paramilitary forces, admission to educational institutions other tha medical and engineering, admission/transfer to engineering and medical college matters, allocation of 15% all India quota in Admission/transfer to medical colleges.

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