Supreme Court Notifies SOP For Resumption Of Physical Hearing From April 4

Sparsh Upadhyay

1 April 2022 9:20 AM

  • Supreme Court Notifies SOP For Resumption Of Physical Hearing From April 4

    The Supreme Court today notified the Standard Operating Procedure to be followed for resumption of physical hearing (with hybrid option) from April 4, 2022.This notification has been issued in partial modification of the Modified Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for physical hearing (with hybrid option) before the Court as notified on 07.10.2021 read with Notice dated 21.10.2021.In...

    The Supreme Court today notified the Standard Operating Procedure to be followed for resumption of physical hearing (with hybrid option) from April 4, 2022.

    This notification has been issued in partial modification of the Modified Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for physical hearing (with hybrid option) before the Court as notified on 07.10.2021 read with Notice dated 21.10.2021.

    In this notification, the Chief Justice of India has been pleased to direct as follows:

    - All the matters listed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, as a non-miscellaneous day(s), will be heard in the physical presence of counsels parties in the Court-rooms,

    - All the matters listed on miscellaneous days i.e. Monday, Friday, or any notified miscellaneous day(s), will be heard in the physical presence of the counsels/parties in Court-rooms, however, on a prior application by the AOR for the party video/teleconferencing mode (Hybrid option) will be facilitated.

    - The AOR for the party desirous of appearing through video/teleconferencing mode on any miscellaneous day(s) shall exercise the option by applying online on the official website of the Supreme Court of India after the publication of the Cause list and upto 08:00 A.M. on the day of the hearing.

    - In case the AOR does not exercise the hybrid option, no link shall be provided in the matter;

    - If a Bench is of the view that in a particular matter, the number of Counsel is more than the working capacity of the Court-room, as per Covid-19 norms, or for any other reason the hearing of a matter be held through video/teleconferencing hybrid mode, the Registry will facilitate hearing of such matters through video teleconferencing hybrid mode.

    Click Here To Read/Download SC's Circular

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