The voting shall be by show of hands, should be videographed.
In case the 16 rebel MLAs want to come for voting, they should be provided security by Karnataka/MP police.
19 March 2020 11:40 AM
Arguments are over. The bench will get back after a 10 minutes break.
19 March 2020 11:32 AM
In his rebuttal, Singhvi is urging the bench for two more weeks to decide on the resignation(s).
19 March 2020 11:30 AM
When the Government goes, so does the speaker, what an antithesis to democracy, Singhvi
A number of lawyers in cohesion - “No! No!”
Gupta J. : Thats not true Mr.Singhvi.
19 March 2020 11:24 AM
“To resign and to abstain is our right, we cannot be compelled to do anything” Singh for rebel MLAs
19 March 2020 11:22 AM
“Sword of tenth schedule hanging over the head of 16 rebel MLA’s. It cannot be that they face disqualification even as identical resignations of six minister are accepted” Singh contends.
19 March 2020 11:21 AM
“Sword of tenth schedule hanging over the head of 16 rebel MLA’s. It cannot be that they face disqualification even as identical resignations of six minister are accepted” Singh contends.
19 March 2020 11:20 AM
ASG Maninder Singh for rebel MLAs : Speaker cannot keep decision on resignations pending, and seek to invoke 10th schedule. The inaction of the Speaker is illconceived.
19 March 2020 11:06 AM
SG Tushar Mehta making submissions.
"Everyday damage is being done. I join the arguments of Mr. Rohatgi"
19 March 2020 10:53 AM
Maninder Singh’s Clients have decided that they will not attend the house, says Rohatgi
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