[MJ Akbar Vs Priya Ramani Defamation Case] Final Arguments By Sr.Ad Rebecca John [LIVE-UPDATES]

Karan Tripathi

8 Sep 2020 6:53 AM GMT

  • [MJ Akbar Vs Priya Ramani Defamation Case] Final Arguments By Sr.Ad Rebecca John [LIVE-UPDATES]


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    • 8 Sep 2020 7:17 AM GMT

      John argues that she takes offence to the complainant's argument that Ramani deliberately had that said conversation with Nilofar to pre-empt against a possible defamation case against her

    • 8 Sep 2020 7:16 AM GMT

      'This tweet in a spontaneous corroboration of Ramani's truth', John argues

      John points out that this tweet was posted even before a complaint was filed against Ramani

    • 8 Sep 2020 7:16 AM GMT

      John now reads out the tweets posted by Ramani on Oct 8, 2018

      'From the very beginning, she made it clear that she only began her article with Akbar story, and not the entire article is about him', John argues

    • 8 Sep 2020 7:15 AM GMT

      John submits the WhatsApp texts exchanged between Ramani and Nilofar Venkataraman 

    • 8 Sep 2020 7:14 AM GMT

      Ramani had said in her statement that she could've remained quiet, but she chose to speak out in the public interest to further the rights of women at workplace 

    • 8 Sep 2020 7:14 AM GMT

      Ramani had said in her statement that she could've remained quiet, but she chose to speak out in the public interest to further the rights of women at workplace

       JJohn submits that she will soon prove the admissibility of the statement of Nilofar Venkataraman

    • 8 Sep 2020 7:13 AM GMT

      John reiterates that Ramani spoke the truth when she shared the experience of her first job interview in the Vogue Magazine

      'This case has come at a great personal cost to me', Ramani had said in her statement

    • 8 Sep 2020 7:01 AM GMT

      Ramani had stated that seeing these women sharing their stories, she got the courage to remove the cloak of anonymity from her Vogue article.

      'My tweet was to highlight that we normalise sexually inappropriate behaviour until it becomes predatory', Ramani had said

    • 8 Sep 2020 7:01 AM GMT

      Ramani had said in her statement that she had tweeted about Akbar a year after her Vogue article when the MeToo movt started gaining ground in India and journalists like

      Anoo Bhuyan,Shonali Khullar Shroff and others shared their experiences against their editors

    • 8 Sep 2020 6:57 AM GMT

      John reads out a part of Ramani's statement which states that Ramani was approached by Vogue's Editor to write a story on the behaviour of male bosses in light of the #MeToo movement in the US

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