LiveLaw Academy Presents Certificate Course On ‘Constitution of India’ - Edition II


2 Feb 2023 12:21 PM

  • LiveLaw Academy Presents Certificate Course On ‘Constitution of India’ - Edition II

    EDITION I REVIEW – 4.28/5.00 Edition I was hosted in 2022 and saw participation from law enthusiasts across the country, and many first-time learners. Here’s what our students had to say about their experience: Exceptionally good. Would recommend to anyone who wishes to understand the Constitution in an exhaustive detail - Neha shah,...

    EDITION I REVIEW – 4.28/5.00

    Edition I was hosted in 2022 and saw participation from law enthusiasts across the country, and many first-time learners. Here’s what our students had to say about their experience:

    Exceptionally good. Would recommend to anyone who wishes to understand the Constitution in an exhaustive detail

    - Neha shah, Advocate

    One word...fantabulous.

    -Sanjeev Suman, Legal Counsel in Swiss Reinsurance

    It has been a wonderful experience since day one. Your team has been in best way possible available for queries and other class related issues

    -Asim Mujtaba, student


    This Course is designed for all those who want to understand the Constitution of India. Constitution of India was written so that every common person can read, understand and apply it. But today it has become limited to discussions amongst lawyers and judges. This course is an attempt to demystify and simplify the Architecture, Design and Content of the Constitution of India.

    It seeks to divide the Constitution in a unique twenty weeks syllabus (with one week reserved as a review week), to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire Constitution with sufficient details. Every lecture is interspersed with a reading of important Constitutional provisions, and relevant constitutional cases to understand the application of these provisions.

    Participants will have an opportunity to interact with the course instructor and each other, and also make case presentations, in order to develop the skill of critically analysing Constitutional cases.

    While prior legal education /background is helpful, it is not compulsory. The Course will be taught in a way so as to build from the basics and then cover finer nuances. Please note that the Course is fairly detailed in its approach and anyone seeking a mere cursory approach to the reading of the Constitution will find it rather exhaustive.


    OPEN TO ALL - This course can be taken by anyone willing to read, understand and apply the Constitution of India. Age, gender, education background is no bar.

    COURSE PERIOD : 11th February to 1st July 2023 (Every Saturday, 4 to 7 PM)

    This Course is a twenty-one-week intensive course, with a total of 60 hours + teaching time. The classes will be held via Zoom and Assignments + study material can be accessed via student portal on website.

    A Student can avail recordings of a maximum seven classes during the course of the program, by directly contacting the course coordinator. They will be provided with Zoom links to watch the recordings.

    CERTIFICATE: Certificate of competition will be granted to each student who:

    • Attends atleast 50 percent classes; and
    • Submits 50 percent Assignments; and
    • Gains above 50 percent in atleast 50 percent assignments.

    COURSE FEE : Rs. 6999/- + GST



    We believe in the right to education for all, and give scholarships based on need + merit. To apply for a scholarship write an email to with a cover letter and resume.


    Write an email to or send a WhatsApp message to 9847128749


    Week 1

    11th Feb, 2023

    Overview and Context

    Why Does the Constitution Matter In Our Everyday Lives?

    Terminology, History and Vision behind the Constitution

    The Making of Our Constitution

    Salient Features of Our Constitution

    Week 2

    18th Feb, 2023

    Architecture of the Constitution

    Division of the Constitution in Parts, Chapters and Articles

    How to read the Constitution and find what you are looking for

    How to find relevant Constitutional cases

    Week 3

    25th Feb, 2023

    Central Legislative Body & Process – The Parliament

    Composition of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

    Parliamentary Membership – Qualification ; Disqualification ; Termination ; Anti Defection Law

    Meeting and Officers of Parliament

    Termination of Parliament

    Functions of Parliament

    Parliamentary Privileges

    Delegation of Legislative Powers

    Week 4

    4th March, 2023

    Central Executive

    President and Vice President

    Council of Minister

    Collective Responsibilit

    Executive, Legislative and Judicial Functions of the Central Executive

    Attorney General

    Week 5

    11th March, 2023

    Supreme Court

    Appointment of Judges + Relevant Cases

    Jurisdiction and Powers of SC + Writ Jurisdiction Under Art. 32

    Article 136 – SLP

    Appeals from Tribunals

    Miscellaneous Provisions

    Week 6

    18th March, 2023

    Territory of India

    Provisions Pertaining To Territory of India

    Re-organisation of States

    Cessation of Territory

    + Remaining Cases from Earlier Sessions

    Week 7

    25th March, 2023

    State Legislature

    Composition of Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly

    Qualification and Disqualification ; Anti-Defection Laws

    Meeting of State Legislatures; Officers ; Dissolution of House

    Functions of State Legislatures

    Relations Between Two Houses

    Legislative Privileges

    Week 8

    1st April, 2023

    State Executive

    Governor, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers

    Working of the Executive + Powers of the Governor

    Executive, Legislative and Judicial Powers of the Executive

    Advocate General

    Week 9

    8th April, 2023

    State Judiciary

    Appointment of Judges at High Court

    Jurisdiction and Powers of High Courts

    Writ Jurisdiction – Art. 226 + Art. 227

    Subordinate Judiciary

    Week 10

    15th April, 2023

    Union Territories And Special Provisions Concerning Some States

    Union Territories and How They Are Governed

    Special Provisions in Constitution Regarding Gujarat, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Assam, Manipur, Andhra Pradesh, Sikkim

    Scheduled and Tribal Areas

    Municipal Bodies

    Week 11

    22nd April, 2023

    Legislative Relations Between Center and States

    The Three Lists

    Principles of Interpretation

    Residuary Powers and When Entries in Different Lists Conflict

    Week 12

    29th April, 2023

    Financial Relations Between Center and States

    Taxing Powers + Central and State Taxes


    Restrictions on Taxing Powers

    Finance Commission

    Borrowing Power

    Week 13

    6th May, 2023

    Administrative Relations Between Center and States

    Welfare State and Need for Administrative Law

    Center-State Administrative Coordination

    All India Services


    Week 14

    13th May, 2023

    I. Emergency Provisions

    Different Types of Emergencies + When They Can Be Invoked

    Case Laws During Emergency

    II. Cooperative Federalism

    What is Cooperative Federalism

    Different Councils and Statutory Bodies

    Coordination between Finance and Planning Commission

    Week 15

    20th May, 2023

    I. Trade, Commerce and Intercourse

    Interrelation between Art. 19 (1) (g) and Art. 301

    Regulatory measures

    Exceptions to Freedom of Trade and Commerce

    II. Official Languages

    Languages Debates and Official Language

    Judicial Approach

    Week 16

    27th May, 2023

    I. Citizenship

    Citizenship At The Time of Constitution

    Citizenship Act, 1955

    Corporation and Not Citizen

    II. Elections

    Nature of Elections

    Election Commission

    Election Disputes

    Party System

    Relevant Cases

    Week 17

    3rd June 2023

    Fundamental Rights – Part I

    Article 12, Article 13, Article 14

    (Definition of State, Right To Equality)

    Article 15 – 18

    (Right Against Discrimination ; Equality of Opportunity ; Reservation Debate ; Abolition of Untouchability)

    Week 18

    10th June 2023

    Fundamental Rights – Part II

    Article 19- 21

    Freedom of Speech and Expression ; Freedom of Press ; Right to Life and Right To Live With Dignity ; Protection Against Double Jeopardy; Ex-Post Facto Laws & Self Incrimination)

    Right Against Custodial Torture; Preventive Detention ; Right to Education ; Right Against Exploitation

    Week 19

    17th June 2023

    Fundamental Rights – Part III

    Right to Religion and Freedom of Conscience

    Right of Minorities to Establish and Manage Educational Institutions

    Right to Protect One’s Culture and Language

    Right to Property – before 1978 Position and After It

    Week 20

    24th June 2023

    I. Right to Constitutional Remedies – Art. 32

    II. Directive Principles of State Policy

    III. Fundamental Duties

    IV. Constitutional Amendments

    Week 21

    1st July 2023

    Review Week


    Qn. Will the sessions be recorded?

    Ans. Yes. A student can avail recordings of a maximum seven classes during the course of the program, by directly contacting the course coordinator. They will be provided with Zoom links to watch the recordings.

    Qn. Will students receive certificates?

    Ans. Yes, certificates will be given to students who:

    ●Attend at least 50 percent classes; and

    ●Submit 50 percent Assignments; and

    ●Gains above 50 percent in at least half of all assignments given.

    Qn. How do I avail the early bird registration?

    Ans. If you are one among the first 20 people to register for the course, we will let you know via email, and initiate a refund of 20% of the amount you paid to your account.

    Qn. How can one avail a scholarship?

    Ans. To apply for a scholarship, please write an email to the course coordinator with a cover letter explaining your financial need for a scholarship, or your academic merit. Please attach your resume with the mail.

    Qn. Is this course only for Law students and Lawyers?

    Ans. No, this course is designed keeping in mind the needs of people who are new to the field of law. It does not require a prior knowledge of the subject, and we encourage freshers and people in all fields and walks of life to join us in understanding the Constitution. Age, Gender, education background is no bar.

    Qn. How do I register for the course?

    Ans. You can register for the course by making the payment via the Razorpay link or by scanning the QR code given in our posters.

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