The SC bench comprising Justices N V Ramana, Subhash Reddy and B R Gavai will hear the petitions challenging Kashmir lockdown.Reports of the hearing so far may be accessed here.Watch this space for live updates on today's...
The SC bench comprising Justices N V Ramana, Subhash Reddy and B R Gavai will hear the petitions challenging Kashmir lockdown.
Reports of the hearing so far may be accessed here.
Watch this space for live updates on today's hearings.
Live Updates
2019-11-21 05:12:10
21 Nov 2019 3:17 PM IST
SG- It is for the district magistrate to see if there is a situation which satisfies him that such an order is to be passed. 144 gives a DM such powers. Even the Petitioners have not challenged his authority or power to do so
21 Nov 2019 3:15 PM IST
SG : 144 is an action to ensure speedy remedy as a preventive measure for the maintenance of public peace and tranquility
21 Nov 2019 3:12 PM IST
SG- It is for Your Lordships to take a call as to whether ordering 144 was appropriate or not based on the history of the area
21 Nov 2019 3:12 PM IST
J Reddy says Petitioners say there's no material or reasoning for orders. SG says he'll come to that
21 Nov 2019 3:09 PM IST
SG- Petitioners asking court to assess 144 orders from August. It's a merely academic exercise as most have been rescinded
21 Nov 2019 3:07 PM IST
SG : The exact words of the order need not be looked at, the court must satisfy itself that the guidelines are being followed. These guidelines include the need for 'speedy remedy'. Speedy.. immediate action!
21 Nov 2019 3:06 PM IST
SG says that the ratio in Babulal Parate judgment misquoted by petitioners.
The ratio in that case is that the the letter of the order is not to be looked at as District Magistrates lack a 'legally trained mind'
21 Nov 2019 3:02 PM IST
SG : Measures under Sec 144 were taken to protect people from the threat of non state actors.
21 Nov 2019 3:01 PM IST
SG- court is the custodian of rights of 99.9% of citizens. Non state actors should not be allowed to disturb the life of a majority of the population
21 Nov 2019 2:55 PM IST
SG reiterates that the court was taken through the govts affidavit very selectively
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