Interest During Loan Moratorium : Live Updates From SC Hearing


2 Sept 2020 11:30 AM IST

  • Interest During Loan Moratorium : Live Updates From SC Hearing

    Supreme Court's Justice Ashok Bhushan led bench is hearing pleas seeking waiver of loan interest during moratorium in view of the pandemic situation. Yesterday, when the plea(s) came up for hearing, the bench adjourned the matter to today in order to go through the affidavit filed on behalf of the Centre for its stand on interest on loans during...

    Supreme Court's Justice Ashok Bhushan led bench is hearing pleas seeking waiver of loan interest during moratorium in view of the pandemic situation. 

    Yesterday, when the plea(s) came up for hearing, the bench adjourned the matter to today in order to go through the affidavit filed on behalf of the Centre for its stand on interest on loans during moratorium.

    Live Updates

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:15 PM IST

      Senior Advocate Ravindra Shrivastava now making submissions.

      He says that he adopts Senior Advocate Rajiv Dutta’s submissions.

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:15 PM IST

      Kumar: Pharma, FMCG, internet companies did very well but industries such as ours did very badly. We are entitled to relief.

      Kumar concludes.

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:12 PM IST

      Justice Bhushan: No dearth of power with the RBI. No one is denying that.

      Kumar: We were totally closed. We are shopping centres. We were asked to pay our employees, we kept on paying them. Footfalls in shopping centres next to zero. 

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:11 PM IST

      Kumar highlights provisions of the Disaster Management Act including sections 13, 16 & 18.

      He is justifying how statute provides for action to mitigate the effects of a “Disaster”, which in this case, he says, is the ongoing pandemic.

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:10 PM IST

      Kumar now taking the bench through the definition of “Disaster” as stipulated under the Disaster Management Act.

      “70-80000 cases everyday. Mitigation measures pertinent to reduce the impact of such a disaster”

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:06 PM IST

      Sr. Adv. Ranjit Kumar is appearing for Shopping Centres Association.

      “Moratorium expired on August 31 so all accounts have been declared NPA ipso facto - this is something that the Court must take note of”

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:02 PM IST

      Kumar says that he is reading out statements made by the Governor in order to bring forth the state of the economy.

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:02 PM IST

      The statement of the RBI is in May, we are now in September..”The combined impact of demand compression and supply disruption will depress economic activity in the first half of the year. Assuming that economic activity gets restored in a phased manner”

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:02 PM IST

      Kumar reads the statement of the RBI Governor

      “It is when the horizon is the darkest and human reason is beaten down to the ground that faith shines brightest and comes to our rescue."

    • 2 Sept 2020 12:02 PM IST

      Senior Advocate Ranjit Kumar: I want to start with the RBI Governor's statement where assessment of the Economy has been made.

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