EWS Reservation- Supreme Court Constitution Bench Hearing DAY 2- LIVE UPDATES


14 Sep 2022 5:03 AM GMT

  • EWS Reservation- Supreme Court Constitution Bench Hearing DAY 2- LIVE UPDATES

    The Supreme Court Constitution Bench will commence the hearing on the cases challenging the constitutional validity of reservation for economically weaker section of citizens. The petitions challenge the validity of Constitution (103rd) Amendment Act 2019. Economic reservation in jobs and education was proposed to be provided by inserting clause (6) in Articles 15 and 16 of the...

    The Supreme Court Constitution Bench will commence the hearing on the cases challenging the constitutional validity of reservation for economically weaker section of citizens. 

    The petitions challenge the validity of Constitution (103rd) Amendment Act 2019. Economic reservation in jobs and education was proposed to be provided by inserting clause (6) in Articles 15 and 16 of the Constitution through the amendment passed by the Parliament in January 2019. The newly inserted Article 15(6) enabled the State to make special provisions for advancement of any economically weaker section of citizens, including reservations in educational institutions. It states that such reservation can be made in any educational institution, including private institutions, whether aided or unaided, except minority educational institutions covered under Article 30(1). It further states that the upper limit of the reservation will be ten percent, which will be in addition to the existing reservations. After the amendment was notified by the President, a batch of petitions were filed in the Supreme Court challenging the constitutional validity of economic reservation.


    Live Updates

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:31 AM GMT

      Kumar: Now all backward classes commission are operating in documents. How can you determine backwardness unless you know their population- how many doctors, engineers, politicians are there? Nothing! It's all suppressed.

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:31 AM GMT

      Kumar: 1951, the first decision they took is to delete caste from census. So we don't know how many Brahmins or bhangis are there. With great reluctance in 2011, GOI enumerated caste. But by the time the census was done. 

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:27 AM GMT

      Kumar: ...it was done and by 1911, they had perfected it. Even today researchers, they fall back on it.

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:26 AM GMT

      Kumar: Why? Because first census was conducted in 1872, and it was a comprehensive census operation. Every aspect- membership, family, occupation, property holding and more importantly, membership of religion, caste, race, language were all collected. '72 it was done, '81...

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:26 AM GMT

      Kumar: How do you reach that identification? You get data, what kind of data? How do you collect? Who collects? These are important factors. Everytime reservation is challenged, the first argument is that it is based on obsolete data.

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:26 AM GMT

      Kumar: Greatest debate in this court is on this identification. [Refers to Articles 341, 342,366]

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:26 AM GMT

      Kumar: 22 parameters were prescribed. It's only those groups which passed this test, they earned the label of SEBCs, not all. That's the importance of Article 340. Now look at EWS, who decides this criteria for identification?

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:25 AM GMT

      Kumar: But Ambedkar was never promoted as a kshatriya or Brahmin

      He was born as an untouchable and lived as an untouchable. Therefore, when Balaji says don't go by caste, it says don't go by hierarchy.

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:25 AM GMT

      Kumar: In this very court, Mandal case was argued, Justice Sawant said, if you say caste should be eschewed from classification, then you tell me if Ambedkar came would you have admitted to your law college? These are the realities of caste. 

    • 14 Sep 2022 6:20 AM GMT

      Kumar: Second meaning is in the hierarchical sense. Hindu society is vertically divided in 5000 sects- if you're born in 7th floor you die there, you can't climb to 12th floor.

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