'Indian Legal Education System Favors English Speaking Students': CJI DY Chandrachud Urges RPNLU Prayagraj To Impart Education In Hindi


16 Feb 2024 4:22 PM

  • Indian Legal Education System Favors English Speaking Students: CJI DY Chandrachud Urges RPNLU Prayagraj To Impart Education In Hindi

    Today, speaking at the inauguration of the newest National Law University in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Rajendra Prasad National Law University, Prayagraj, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said “Despite the developments in legal education, the contemporary Indian legal education system only favours certain English speaking, urban students.”“National Law University...

    Today, speaking at the inauguration of the newest National Law University in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Rajendra Prasad National Law University, Prayagraj, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said “Despite the developments in legal education, the contemporary Indian legal education system only favours certain English speaking, urban students.”

    National Law University must understand the new demands of the legal profession. We must equip our law students who are the torchbearers of the future...ensure that the medium of instruction takes place in Hindi so that the best students from UP become the best lawyers.” CJI appealed to the management of the NLU, Prayagraj.

    While speaking about the need to break the language barrier that hampers education being granted to law aspirants, CJI pointed out that internships and moot courts are conventionally designed to favour students who belong to elite and English-speaking backgrounds only. He said that college campuses must provide a place dynamic in nature for different beliefs to interact.

    The data from diversity surveys of 5 National Law Universities which came into existence much before reveals that the composition of law schools in terms of region, gender and the premium attached to the fluency of English language and a stigma for a lack of knowledge of English language amongst students acts as a hinderance to the full participation and assimilation of students coming from diverse backgrounds.”

    He recalled that while he was in Allahabad High Court serving as the Chief Justice of the HC, the use of English language by lawyers was limited to “May it please your lordship” and thereafter, he added, the lawyers used to argue matters in Hindi only.

    CJI Chandrachud also emphasized the need for education to be imparted in a manner that it reaches students beyond the boundaries of the National Law University and helps those who are not fortunate enough to study in Prayagraj or other similar cities. CJI said that “technology has given us that ability to reach to students beyond the physical space,” and the same must be used to reach out to the students in Uttar Pradesh as well as in other States.

    CJI said that though the establishment of NLUs has helped in raising the standards of legal education, special subjects like space law, technology law, etc should not be limited to the curriculum of National Law Universities. He urged that the quality of legal education imparted in all colleges must be at par with each other.

    CJI also quoted famous Hindi writer Munshi Premchand : “हमारी शिक्षा व्यवस्था हमारी सामाजिक चेतना को नहीं जगाती, यह व्यक्तिगत हितों का एक माध्यम बनकर रह गई है” [Our education system does not awaken our social consciousness, it has become a medium for personal interests]. He said that it was up to the audience to decide if Premchand was right or wrong.

    He, however, emphasized that the aim of our education system should be to understand, support and preserve human values. We can build a prosperous society with the help of a better education system.

    Chief Justice Chandrachud highlighted the fact that about 36000 judgments of the Supreme Court from 1950 to 2024 have been translated into regional languages.

    "Digital Supreme Court Reports', a digital version of the official law report of the Supreme Court judgments, is for each and every person. Now you don't have to pay thousands of rupees to private publishers to get access to the Supreme Court Judgments.”

    Speaking about the role of lawyers in the growth of the country, CJI Chandrachud highlighted their contribution to nation-building.

    Lawyers play a crucial and multifaceted role in society. They represent individuals and entities ensuring that their rights are protected. This includes criminal defense, civil litigation and advocacy for various legal issues. ….The role of lawyers includes representation of the marginalized and vulnerable communities, ensuring that they have a voice in the system.”

    In his address, he also appreciated the pro bono work undertaken by lawyers to help those who cannot afford to reach the courts.

    “Every day in the work of Supreme Court we come face to face not only with injustice but the quest of justice which is sustained by lawyers, pursuing causes which are popular and unpopular. Clients high and low. Clients who have a voice in the system, thanks to the work of the Bar.”

    Importantly, CJI urged that the legal fraternity should make sure that equal opportunities are provided in universities. Every individual must have an equal chance to thrive and succeed free from marginalization because of region, gender or language barriers. CJI emphasized ensuring equal participation of students coming from diverse backgrounds.

    While referring to Prayagraj (erstwhile Allahabad) as the Oxford of the East, CJI said

    Sahitya, kala, tehzeeb, sanskriti avam kanooni parampara ko samete iss sheher mei aaj Dr. Rajendra Prasad Vishwadiyalay ki sthapna se na sirf shiksha mei badhotri hogi balki sheher ko bhi ek naya ayam milega.”

    Pointing out the fact that the State of UP will now have two National Law Universities, CJI urged that both universities must strive to better the standards of legal education.

    In the end, CJI said that he hoped that Dr. Rajendra Prasad National Law University, Prayagraj would establish new standards in legal education and would emerge as a centre for excellence in legal education.

    While concluding his address, CJI quoted Saint Kabirdas

    अति का भला न बोलना, अति की भली न चुप, अति का भला न बरसना, अति की भली न धूप।“ [Neither is it good to speak too much, nor is it good to remain silent more than necessary. Like too much rain is not good and too much sunlight is also not good.]

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