The Delhi High Court is hearing a batch of pleas challenging the decision of Delhi University to conduct online Open Book Examinations for final-year students.
Justice Pratibha M. Singh will be presiding over the matter.
In the previous hearing, the Court had issued notice in a fresh plea challenging DU's decision to conduct #OnlineOBE. DU was directed to submit a response to the plea by July 30. A report on the Common Service Centres (CSC) across the country was also sought.
The Court, amidst concerns on the proper facilitation of Online OBE, was informed that a committee of 4 members would be constituted post the exams to look into the grievances that may be faced by students while taking online exams.
It was further brought to the notice of the Court that DU had failed to provide the list of students who would be appearing in the online exams to CSC Academy. Further, services of the CSC had only been engaged for the conduct of the exams and not the mock tests.
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