Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad- 1st National Essay Writing Competition 2016
Simran Sahni
5 April 2016 9:45 AM
This essay writing competition aims to integrate several aspects and understand better the concept of global environmentalism in accordance with the societal relations.
Its objective is to help the individuals determine how the global environmental issues will take precedence over all others aspects and to analyze its impact on the Judicial decisions.
Theme of the Essay:
Impact of Global Environmentalism on Judicial Verdicts
Last date for Submission: 13th April, 2016 on or before 5.00 pm
Results: 18th April, 2016
Any Student enrolled in a 5 year integrated undergraduate Law programme or a 3 year LL.B program recognized by the Bar Council of India.
Guidelines for Submission:
- The Essay should be submitted in MS Word formatwith 1.5 line spacing for the main text, and should be minimum 1500 words not exceeding more than 2000 words (excluding footnotes).
- Font type should be Times New Romanwith 12 pt. for the text.
- The Essay must be coupled with a separate document attached containing the information of the Author-
- Full name, Current year of study, Phone Number and E- mail Id of the author
- Name, Phone number and address of the Law School/ University
- All submissions must be originaland bonafide work of the participants and should not be submitted for any other competition or for any other purpose.
- The Participants are required to scan a copy of the Bonafide Certificate or an Identity card duly issued by their respective Law School/ University to the mail ID along with the essay.
- A maximum of 2 can form a team. Single author entries are also eligible.
- Original views are strongly encouraged than excessive citations of published public information.
Registration Fee: NIL
Submission Procedure:
Students interested to participate in the competition are required to submit a soft copy of their completed essay on or before April 13th, 2016, at
Hard copy submissions shall not be accepted.
All participants should strictly abide by the guidelines. Any deviance shall lead to disqualification.
- 1st Prize: Cash Prize of Rs. 5,000 and Certificate of Participation
- 2nd Prize: Cash Prize of Rs. 3,000 and Certificate of Participation
- 3rd Prize: Cash Prize of Rs. 1,500 and Certificate of Participation
- All the participants will be awarded online Certificates of Participation