Principles To Be Followed By Appellate Courts In Deciding Appeals From Acquittal : Supreme Court Explains

Yash Mittal

14 Feb 2024 2:47 PM

  • Principles To Be Followed By Appellate Courts In Deciding Appeals From Acquittal : Supreme Court Explains

    Recently, the Supreme Court observed that if the appreciation of evidence leads to two possible views, then the decision of the Trial Court acquitting the accused could not be reversed by the Appellate Court merely because there exists another view that led to the conviction of the accused.According to the court, if the appreciation of evidence leads to two possible views, then the view...

    Recently, the Supreme Court observed that if the appreciation of evidence leads to two possible views, then the decision of the Trial Court acquitting the accused could not be reversed by the Appellate Court merely because there exists another view that led to the conviction of the accused.

    According to the court, if the appreciation of evidence leads to two possible views, then the view proving the innocence of the accused shall be taken into account and not the view which proves the guilt of the accused.

    The Bench Comprising Justices Bela M. Trivedi and Satish Chandra Sharma noted that if the view taken by the trial court leads to the acquittal of the accused, then it would be impermissible for the Appellate Court/High Court to reverse the findings of the trial court by re-appreciating the selective evidence to convict the accused.

    The aforesaid observation of the court is based on the settled principle of criminal law i.e., 'innocent until proven guilty'.

    The Judgment authored by Justice Satish Chandra Sharma, laid down six principles for the High Court/Appellate court which shall come into play while deciding an appeal from acquittal.

    "(i) Appreciation of evidence is the core element of a criminal trial and such appreciation must be comprehensive – inclusive of all evidence, oral or documentary;

    (ii) Partial or selective appreciation of evidence may result in a miscarriage of justice and is in itself a ground of challenge;

    (iii) If the Court, after appreciation of evidence, finds that two views are possible, the one in favor of the accused shall ordinarily be followed;

    (iv) If the view of the Trial Court is a legally plausible view, the mere possibility of a contrary view shall not justify the reversal of acquittal;

    (v) If the appellate Court is inclined to reverse the acquittal in appeal on a re-appreciation of evidence, it must specifically address all the reasons given by the Trial Court for acquittal and must cover all the facts;

    (vi) In a case of reversal from acquittal to conviction, the appellate Court must demonstrate an illegality, perversity, or error of law or fact in the decision of the Trial Court."

    The court while applying the aforesaid principles came to the finding that while re-appreciating the evidence, the High Court has erred in reversing the decision of acquittal without arriving at any finding of illegality or perversity or error in the reasoning of the Trial Court.

    Accordingly, the impugned order and judgment are set aside. Consequently, the appellants accused are acquitted of all the charges leveled upon them.

    Also Read: If Trial Court's Acquittal Is A Plausible View, Then High Court Shouldn't Convict Accused By Reappreciating Evidence: Supreme Court

    Case Details: MALLAPPA & ORS. VERSUS STATE OF KARNATAKA | Criminal Appeal No(s). 1162/2011

    Click Here To Read/Download The Judgment

    Appeal from acquittal – Principles of deciding – Appreciation of evidence is the core element of a criminal trial and such appreciation must be comprehensive i.e. inclusive of all evidence, oral or documentary. Partial or selective appreciation of evidence may result in a miscarriage of justice and is in itself a ground of challenge. If the Court, after appreciation of evidence, finds that two views are possible, the one in favour of the accused shall ordinarily be followed. If the view of the Trial Court is a legally plausible view, mere possibility of a contrary view shall not justify the reversal of acquittal. If the appellate Court is inclined to reverse the acquittal in appeal on a re-appreciation of evidence, it must specifically address all the reasons given by the Trial Court for acquittal and must cover all the facts. In a case of reversal from acquittal to conviction, the appellate Court must demonstrate an illegality, perversity or error of law or fact in the decision of the Trial Court. (Para 36)

    Reversing the order of acquittal into conviction – The High Court had erred in reversing the decision of acquittal, without arriving at any finding of illegality or perversity or error in the reasoning of the Trial Court. Setting aside an order of acquittal, which signifies a stronger presumption of innocence, on a mere change of opinion is not permissible. A low standard for turning an acquittal into conviction would be fraught with the danger of failure of justice. In reversing the order of acquittal, what is required is an illegality or perversity in order of trial court. (Para 34 & 39)

    Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Appreciation of Evidence – The High Court fails to appreciate evidence in a thorough manner and merely relied on a limited set of facts to arrive at a finding. In an appeal, as much as in a trial, appreciation of evidence essentially requires a holistic view and not a myopic view. Appreciation of evidence requires sifting and weighing of material facts against each other and a conclusion of guilt could be arrived at only when the entire set of facts, lined together, points towards the only conclusion of guilt. Appreciation of partial evidence is no appreciation at all, and is bound to lead to absurd results. (Para 35)

    Power of the High Court to re-appreciate the evidence – There is no inhibition on the High Court to re-appreciate or re-visit the evidence on record. However, such power is a qualified power. For re-appreciating evidence, the court must consider, whether the Trial Court thoroughly appreciated the evidence on record and gave due consideration to all material pieces of evidence or whether the finding of the Trial Court is illegal or affected by an error of law or fact or whether the view taken by the Trial Court is a fairly possible view. (Para 25)

    Two-views theory – When the appreciation of evidence results into two equally plausible views, the very existence of an equally plausible view in favour of innocence of the accused is in itself a reasonable doubt in the case of the prosecution and reinforces the presumption of innocence of accused. When two views are possible, following the one in favour of innocence of the accused is the safest course of action. It is also settled that if the view of the Trial Court, in a case of acquittal, is a plausible view, it is not open for the High Court to convict the accused by re-appreciating the evidence. If such a course is permissible, it would make it practically impossible to settle the rights and liabilities in the eyes of law. (Para 26)

    Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Presumption of innocence – The presumption is in favour of accused, unless proven guilty – The presumption continues at all stages of the trial and finally culminates into a fact when the case ends in acquittal. The presumption of innocence gets concretized when the case ends in acquittal. It is so because once the Trial Court, on appreciation of the evidence on record, finds that the accused was not guilty, the presumption gets strengthened and a higher threshold is expected to rebut the same in appeal. (Para 24)

    Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Interested witness – Where a testimony is duly explained and inspires confidence, the Court is not expected to reject the testimony of an interested witness. However, when the testimony is full of contradictions and fails to match evenly with the supporting evidence the Court is bound to sift and weigh the evidence to test its true weight and credibility. (Para 33)

    Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Circumstantial evidence –In absence of direct evidence, case essentially falls back on circumstantial evidence. The prosecution has failed to complete the chain of circumstances. The circumstances are far from conclusive and a conclusion of guilt could not be drawn from them. To sustain a conviction, the Court must form the view that the accused “must have” committed the offence, and not “may have”. (Para 37 & 38)

    Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - Principles of circumstantial evidence – The circumstances from which the conclusion of guilt is to be drawn should be fully established. The facts so established should be consistent only with the hypothesis of the guilt of the accused, that is to say, they should not be explainable on any other hypothesis except that the accused is guilty. The circumstances should be of a conclusive nature and tendency. They should exclude every possible hypothesis except the one to be proved. There must be a chain of evidence so complete as not to leave any reasonable ground for the conclusion consistent with the innocence of the accused and must show that in all human probability the act must have been done by the accused. (Para 37)

    Sharad Birdhichand Sarda v. State of Maharashtra, (1984) 4 SCC 116; referred.

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