Skyrocket Your Corporate Law Dreams With LLM In Corporate & Financial Law By JGLS


8 March 2022 7:27 AM

  • Skyrocket Your Corporate Law Dreams With LLM In Corporate & Financial Law By JGLS

    A career in corporate law is the dream of many young law graduates these days. With so many businesses and startups being set up in the country, and abroad, there is a huge demand for legal professionals specialising in corporate and financial law.

    Not only that, the range of career options available to such professionals is extremely diverse. From MNCs to corporate law firms to even freelancers, corporate lawyers are truly changing the face of this profession in the present day.

    It is also a highly paid career offering significant growth opportunities in an individual's career. No wonder then, that is the specialisation of choice for many law graduates.

    Now the question arises, to secure the corporate law job of your dreams, how do you get ahead of the competition?

    The answer is simple- LL.M. in Corporate & Financial Law (Blended Learning Program) from India's #1 Law School (QS World University Rankings 2021) - Jindal Global Law School.

    Here's Why You Should Choose This Program:

    • First-of-its-kind LL.M. through Blended Learning, for working professionals.
    • Blended Learning Experiences.
    • World Class Faculty Members & Industry Experts.
    • Cutting Edge Curriculum, for next generation law professionals.
    • Dissertation and industry case studies.
    • LL.M. Degree from JGLS.
    • Triple alumni status from JGU, JGLS & upGrad.
    • upGrad 360° Career Support - job fairs, mock interviews etc.
    • Networking Events with fellow legal professionals.
    Learn from World Class Faculty:
    JGLS is known for its excellent faculty who are able to provide students with an all round perspective. Here's a look at some of your faculty members for the program:
    1. Prof. Arjya B. Majumdar (Professor & Dean, Admissions & Outreach, JGU, JGLS)
    Prof. Arjya, an LL.M. from Tulane University, has rich industry experience as a corporate lawyer at ELP, FoxMandalLittle, and Desai & Diwanji.
    2. Prof. (Dr.) James J. Nedumpara (Professor & Executive Director, CITEL , JGLS)
    Prof. James holds degrees from the Universities of Cambridge, New York, and Singapore, and advises the Indian Government on trade and investment law.
    3. Prof. Shaun Joseph Star (Assoc. Prof. & Assoc. Dean Director CIAS)
    He is Associate Professor and Associate Dean; Director, Centre for India Australia Studies; Director Centre for Sports Law, Business and Governance, BCom LLB - Macquarie University, GradDip (Legal Practice) - Australian National University, BCL - University of Oxford & a PhD Candidate - University of Queensland.
    4. Prof. Prateek Bhattacharya (Assoc. Prof. & Assoc. Dean & Assoc. Director, CPGL)
    Prof. Prateek holds an LL.M. degree from Europa Institute, and has worked as a competition and corporate lawyer at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas.
    As a student of this program, you will learn subjects like Advanced Company Law, Practitioner's Approach to Competition Law, Banking and Financial Law, M&A Transactions, Private Equity, Commercial Contract Drafting, Corporate Insolvency Law.
    Key Takeaways – From the Course
    • Realistic analyses of legal statutes and cases that will help you obtain business opportunities and make the right legal decisions.
    • Perfect understanding of the corporate environment vis-à-vis legal matters.
    • Ability to draft commercial contracts after analysis and interpretation of facts.
    • Discovering the facts required for mergers & acquisitions and it's practical application.
    • Checking International regulations and investment opportunities in comparison to Indian investment rules and formulate strategies.
    • Drawing up of legal documents for a corporate transaction.
    • Practising law successfully along with and in front of top specialized regulatory bodies.
    Minimum Eligibility:
    Bachelor's degree in Law; LL.B. 3/5 year graduates and final year candidates may apply.

    Application Status:


    Application Deadline:
    March 20, 2022
    Program Start Date:
    March 31, 2022

    Know more about the LL.M. in Corporate & Financial Law (Blended Learning Program) Click here.

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