Second National MCL Online Essay Writing Competition 2018
manav malhotra
10 Nov 2018 6:26 PM
Modern College of Law is going to organize its Second National MCL online Essay Writing Competition 2018 with the assistance of Moot Court Association, MCL. MCL will be obliged by the participation of each & every individual.
Topic: Supreme Court verdict on Sabarimala: All men and women have equal right to worship
- The Competition is open to the students who are pursuing their 5/ 3 Year LLB Course / LL.M. or any other Undergraduate or Master courses (also other than Law) in any University in India.
Submission Guidelines:
- The participant must be a bonafide student of a University or a College.
- Only original essays will be considered for the competition.
- No part of it should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication or a contest elsewhere.
- Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification of the essay.
- The essay should be submitted on A4 size paper in double space typed on one side and should contain around 3000 (three thousand) words duly forwarded by Head of the Institution. A soft copy is also required.
- Only one submission is allowed per author/co-author.
- The submission shall consist of an abstract, essay, bibliography, Full name of student, Current year of study, Phone Number, E-mail Id of the author, Name, Phone number and address of the Institution/College/ University.
- Footnotes must conform to authoritative standard rules of legal citation.
- All participants should strictly abide by the guidelines. Any deviance shall lead to disqualification.
- Hard copy submissions on following address
- The Principal/ HOD
- Modern College of Law
- Anand Industrial Estate, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad-201007
- Mobile: +91-9711149736, 08802437640
Registration Fee: ₹500/-
Submission Procedure:
- Students interested to participate in the competition are required to submit a soft copy of their completed essay along with duly filled registration form on or before 11.2018 at .
- 1st Prize: Cash Prize of ₹ 2100
- 2nd Prize: Cash Prize of ₹ 1100
- 3rd Prize: Cash Prize of ₹ 500 and;
- Two other consolation Prizes.
For any queries Email at; or Mobile: +91-9711149736, 08802437640
For Brochure click here
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