Tax Cases Weekly Round-Up: 12 November To 18 November, 2023
Mariya Paliwala
19 Nov 2023 8:30 AM
Supreme Court UP VAT Act | Assessee Entitled To Claim Full Input Tax Credit On Exempted Goods Produced As By-Products Or Waste Products During Manufacturing Of Taxable Goods: Supreme Court Case details: M/S Modi Naturals Ltd v The Commissioner of Commercial Tax UP Case No.: 2023 LiveLaw (SC) 976 The Supreme Court while relying on Explanation (iii) to Section 13 of...
Supreme Court
UP VAT Act | Assessee Entitled To Claim Full Input Tax Credit On Exempted Goods Produced As By-Products Or Waste Products During Manufacturing Of Taxable Goods: Supreme Court
Case details: M/S Modi Naturals Ltd v The Commissioner of Commercial Tax UP
Case No.: 2023 LiveLaw (SC) 976
The Supreme Court while relying on Explanation (iii) to Section 13 of Uttar Pradesh Value Added Tax Act, 2008 (“UP VAT Act”), has held that if during the manufacture of any taxable good any tax exempted goods are produced as by-product/waste product, then it shall be deemed that the goods purchased from within the State for such manufacturing have been used in manufacture of taxable goods alone. Thus, the Assessee would be entitled to claim full benefit of Input Tax Credit (“ITC”) in respect of taxable goods purchased from within the State.
UP VAT Act | Definition Of “Goods” Under Sec. 2(m) And Sec. 13(1)(f) Includes Taxable As Well As Exempted Goods: Supreme Court
Case details: M/S Modi Naturals Ltd v The Commissioner of Commercial Tax Up
The Supreme Court has held that the definition of “Goods” under Section 2(m) of Uttar Pradesh Value Added Tax Act, 2008 (“UP VAT Act”) includes both taxable as well as exempted goods. Similarly, the word “goods” under Section 13(1)(f) of the UP VAT Act cannot be said to be qualified by the word “taxable”.
Delhi High Court
Concealment Of Income Above Rs.50 Lakhs, Extended Period Of Limitation Would Apply: Delhi High Court
Case Title: Ganesh Dass Khanna Versus ITO
The Delhi High Court has held that an extended period of 10 years would apply in serious tax evasion cases where there was evidence of concealment of income above Rs. 50 lakhs.
Wrongful Application Of Foreign Contribution By Trust Not In Accordance With Trust’s Objective: Delhi High Court Upholds Reassessment
Case Title: Enviornics Trust Versus The Dept. Commissioner Of Income Tax
The Delhi High Court has upheld the reassessment proceedings against a trust for wrongful application of foreign contribution, which was against the objective of the trust.
Case Title: Association Of Technical Textiles Manufacturers And Processors & Anr. Versus UOI
The Delhi High Court has held that the Tax Research Unit (TRU) cannot issue clarification regarding the classification of polypropylene woven and non-woven bags under the Customs Tariff Act, 1975.
Delhi Gymkhana Club Exigible To Tax Under Delhi Tax On Luxuries Act, 1996: Delhi High Court
Case Title: Delhi Gymkhana Club Versus Commissioner (Luxury Tax), New Delhi & Ors.
The Delhi High Court has held that Delhi Gymkhana Club is exigible to tax under the Delhi Tax on Luxuries Act, 1996.
AO Lacked Tangible Material To Form A Belief That Income, Chargeable To Tax Had Escaped Assessment: Delhi High Court Quashes Reassessment Notice
Case Title: Saraswati Petrochem Pvt. Ltd. Versus Income Tax Officer
The Delhi High Court has held that AO did not have the tangible material on record that could have persuaded him to form the belief that income, otherwise chargeable to tax, had escaped assessment.
Bombay High Court
Amount Received In Satisfaction Of The Inheritance Rights Is Not A Taxable Income: Bombay High Court
Case Title: Ramona Pinto v. Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax, Income Tax Appeal No. 2610 of 2018
The High Court of Bombay has held that an An amount received in satisfaction of the inheritance rights is not a taxable income.
Firm Liable To Pay Tax On Distribution Of Capital Assets On Dissolution And Not Partner: Bombay High Court
Case Title: Ramona Pinto Versus Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax
The Bombay High Court has held that, as per Section 45(4) of the Income Tax Act, assuming that there was a distribution of capital assets upon dissolution of the firm, it is the firm and not the partner who has to pay the tax.
Bombay High Court Quashes Reassessment Proceedings Against Non-Existent Entity Despite Active PAN
Case Title: Diversey India Hygiene Private Limited Versus ACIT
The Bombay High Court has quashed the reassessment proceedings against non-existent entities despite an active PAN.
Bombay High Court Quashes Income Tax Assessments Against Agriculturist And Rickshaw Driver For Improper Sanction
Case Title: Chandar Mahadev Naik Versus Income Tax Officer
The Bombay High Court has quashed the income tax assessments for the assessment year 2016-2017 against agriculturists and rickshaw drivers for improper sanction.
Bombay High Court Direct JAO To Provide Specific Information Relied Upon To Issue The Section 148A(b) Notice
Case Title: Ganesh Ramesh Chavan Versus Income Tax Officer
The Bombay High Court has directed the Jurisdictional Assessing Officer (JAO) to provide specific information relied upon to issue the notice under Section 148A(B) of the Income Tax Act.
Amount Of Arbitration Award Received By Retiring Partner For Relinquishing Claim In The Firm Is Not Taxable: Bombay High Court
Case Title: Ramona Pinto v. Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax
The High Court of Bombay has held that an amount of arbitration award received by a retiring partner for relinquishing its claim in the firm is not a taxable income.
Madras High Court
Income Tax Adjudication Proceedings And Criminal Prosecution Are Independent To Each Other: Madras High Court
Case Title: R.Revathy Versus ACIT
Citation: 2023 LiveLaw (Mad) 349
The Madras High Court has held that income tax adjudication proceedings and criminal prosecution are independent of each other; the pendency of one does not affect the other.
GST Council Can Recommend Rate But Can’t Determine Classification: Madras High Court Allows Parle Agro’s Petition Challenging Classification Of Flavoured Milk
Case Title: M/s.Parle Agro Pvt. Ltd. Versus Union of India
Citation: 2023 LiveLaw (Mad) 352
The Madras High Court has allowed Parle Agro’s petition challenging the classification of flavoured milk.
Madras High Court Directs Dept. To Investigate Misuse Of Login ID By Unknown Person Facilitating Tax Evasion
Case Title: M/s.Shewil Trading Company Versus The Commissioner of Commercial Taxes
Citation: 2023 LiveLaw (Mad) 353
The Madras High Court has directed the state tax officer to investigate the misuse of login IDs by unknown persons facilitating tax evasion.
Filing Of Form-67 After Filing ITR But Before Issuance Of Intimation, Amounts To Due Compliance: Madras High Court Allows Foreign Tax Credit Claim
Case Title: Duraiswamy Kumaraswamy Versus PCIT
The Madras High Court has allowed the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) claim on the grounds that filing Form-67 after filing the Income Tax Return (ITR) but before the issuance of an intimation amounts to due compliance.
Rajasthan High Court
Rajasthan High Court Stays Cess Demand Against Hotelier, Who Is A Subsequent Purchaser
Case Title: Khum Singh Balla Versus State Of Rajasthan
The Rajasthan High Court has stayed the cess demand against the hotelier, who was the subsequent purchaser.
Allahabad High Court
Allahabad High Court Grants Interim Relief To Anand And Anand, Stays Show Cause Notice Demanding Refund Of Rs.138 Crores
The Allahabad High Court has granted interim relief to Anand and Anand Law Firm by staying the proceedings initiated under the Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017.
Authenticity Of Transaction Cannot Be Disputed If E-Way Bill Not Cancelled Within Time: Allahabad HC
Case Title: M/S Sun Flag Iron And Steel Company Limited v. State Of U.P. And 3 Others
The Allahabad High Court held that once e-way bill has been generated by the assessee and the same has not been cancelled within the time prescribed in the Goods and Service Tax Act, 2017, movement of goods and genuineness of a transaction cannot be disputed by the Department.
Telangana High Court
Telangana High Court; GST Exemption Doesn't Cover Affiliation Fee And Inspection Fee Paid By Colleges To University
Case Title: Care College of Nursing and others. Versus Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Rep by its Registrar, and others.
The Telangana High Court has held that GST exemption as granted under Notification No.12 of 2017 of the GST Act, 2017 to the institutions providing education services does not cover Affiliation fee and Inspection fee paid by the College to the University.
ITAT Deletes Income Tax Addition Of Rs.2.30 Crores As AO Failed To Mention Investment Outside The Books Of Accounts
Case Title: ITO Versus Direct Trading Co. P. Ld.
The Delhi Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has deleted the income tax addition of Rs. 2.30 crores as the Assessing Officer (AO) did not mention any investment outside the books of accounts.
Unsold Flats Which Are In Stock In Trade Should Be Assessed As "Business Income": ITAT
Case Title: M/s. Coronate Constructions Versus PCIT
The Mumbai Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has observed that unsold flats that are in stock in trade should be assessed under the heading "business income".
ITAT Dirests ALP Computation Towards Guarantee Commission @ 0.3523% In Case Of Macrotech Developers
Case Title: Deputy Commissioner of Income-Tax Versus M/s Macrotech Developers Limited
The Mumbai Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has directed the ALP Computation Towards Guarantee Commission at a rate of 0.3523% in the case of Macrotech Developers.
Rates On Which Power Is Available Through Indian Energy Exchange Can’t Be Applied As It Is Not Rates To Consumers But Rates To DISCOM: ITAT Deletes TP Adjustment
Case Title: M/s. Tata Steel Ltd. Versus DCIT
The Mumbai Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has deleted the Transfer Pricing (TP) Adjustment as rates on which power is available through the Indian Energy Exchange cannot be applied because these are not the rates to the consumers but rates to the DISCOMs.
CENVAT Credits Can’t Be Denied To Service Recipient Without Opening Assessment Of Service Extended By Service Provider: CESTAT
Case Title: M/s. Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd. Versus Commissioner of Service Tax-VI, Mumbai
The Mumbai Bench of Customs, Excise, and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT) has held that without an opening assessment of the provision of service extended by the service provider, CENVAT credits cannot be denied to the recipient who had paid the required service tax through the service receiver in order to avail the input services.
Sun Pharmaceuticals Danazol Eligible For Excise Duty Exemption: CESTAT
Case Title: M/s. Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. Versus Commissioner of GST & Central Excise
The Chennai Bench of Customs, Excise, and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT) has held that the product ‘Danazol’ of Sun Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. is eligible for excise duty exemption.
No Service Tax Payable On Service Of Laying Of Pipeline For Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board: CESTAT
Case Title: C.S.T.-Service Tax - Ahmedabad Versus Ramky Infrastructure Ltd.
The Ahmedabad Bench of Customs, Excise, and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (CESTAT) has held that no service tax is payable on the service of laying a pipeline for the Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board (GWSSB).