Direct Taxes Weekly Round-Up: 19 To 25 May 2024
Mariya Paliwala
27 May 2024 6:35 AM
Delhi High CourtAssessee Can't Be Obstructed From Availing DTVSV Act Benefits Even When Limitation Period For Appeal Hasn't Expired: Delhi High CourtCase Title: PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Versus Commissioner Of Income Tax (IT), Delhi - 2The Delhi High Court has held that the assessee can't be obstructed from availing of the benefits of the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020 (DTVSV Act) even...
Delhi High Court
Assessee Can't Be Obstructed From Availing DTVSV Act Benefits Even When Limitation Period For Appeal Hasn't Expired: Delhi High Court
Case Title: PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Versus Commissioner Of Income Tax (IT), Delhi - 2
The Delhi High Court has held that the assessee can't be obstructed from availing of the benefits of the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020 (DTVSV Act) even where the time limit for an appeal has not expired.
'Co-Ordinated Investigation' For Prevention Of Tax Evasion Is Good Ground For Transfer: Delhi HC Refuses To Interfere With Transfer Order U/s 127
Case Title: Dollar Gulati Vs PCIT and Ors
The Delhi High Court refuses to interfere with the order of the AO passed u/s 127 where the case of the Taxpayer was centralized and transferred from Income-tax Officer (ITO), Delhi to Deputy Commissioner of Income-tax (DCIT), Central Circle, Haryana.
Grant Of Section 153D Approval Can't Be Merely Ritualistic Formality, Rather It Must Reflect Appropriate Application Of Mind: Delhi High Court
Case Title: Pr. Commissioner Of Income Tax -15 Versus Shiv Kumar Nayyar
The Delhi High Court has held that a grant of approval under Section 153D of the Income Tax Act, 1961, cannot be merely a ritualistic formality or rubber stamping by the authority; rather, it must reflect an appropriate application of mind.
Once TPO Passed Order, AO Obliged To Pass An Assessment Order In Accordance With Section 92CA(4): Delhi High Court
Case Title: New Delhi Television Limited Versus Dispute Resolution Panel 2 & Anr
The Delhi High Court has held that once the Transfer Pricing Officer (TPO) had proceeded to pass the order of October 17, 2017, all that the AO was obliged to do was pass an assessment order in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Section 92CA(4) of the Income Tax Act.
Bombay High Court
Search U/s 132 Is Invalid If Material Considered For Authorizing Search Is Irrelevant And Unrelated: Bombay High Court
Case Title: Echjay Industries Pvt Ltd Vs Union of India
The Bombay High Court recently quashed the search proceedings authorized by CBDT u/s 132(1) along with consequential notices and further actions on the ground that the material considered for authorizing the search is irrelevant and unrelated, and that “the reasons recorded, only indicates a mere pretence”.
Refusal To Condone Delay In filing Revised ITR by CBDT , Filed Post-NCLT Order Is Unreasonable: Bombay High Court
Case Title: CG Power And Industrial Solutions Ltd Vs Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax
The Bombay High Court quashes the CBDT's order rejecting the application filed by CG Power and Industrial Solutions Ltd seeking condonation of delay in filing returns of income based on recast of accounts pursuant to NCLT's order.
Calcutta High Court
Income Tax Dept. Failed To Incorporate Revised CPWD Rates As Quantum Of Rent For Building: Calcutta High Court
Case Title: Principal Commissioner Of Income Tax, Asansol Versus Sri Manoj Parmar And Others
The Calcutta High Court has held that the income tax department was delaying the matter for a prolonged period and failed to incorporate the revised Central Public Works Department (CPWD) rates as the quantum of rent for the building.
Share Application Money Or Repayment Doesn't Attract Penalty Section 269SS And 269T: Calcutta High Court
Case Title: Commissioner Of Income Tax, Central-Iii, Kolkata Versus M/S. Vamshi Chemicals Ltd.
The Calcutta High Court has held that if the share application money is neither a loan nor a deposit, then neither Section 269SS nor 269T of the Income Tax Act, 1961 shall apply. Consequently, no penalty, either under Section 271D or under Section 271E of the Income Tax Act, 1961, could be imposed.
Orissa High Court
Information Related To Outcome Of Tax Evasion Petition Sought Under RTI Act Can't Be Provided: Orissa High Court
Case Title: Deepak Kumar Acharya Versus Commissioner, Income Tax Dept and others
The Orissa High Court has held that information related to the outcome of a tax evasion petition sought under the Right to Information Act cannot be provided.
Allahabad High Court
[Income Tax] Once Books Of Accounts Not Objected To Before Tribunal, AO Can't Disturb Gross Profit Rates Applied By Assesee: Allahabad High Court
Case Title: The Pr Commissioner Of Income Tax, Aaykar Bhawan And Another vs. The Mahabir Jute Mills Lts. Sahjanwah Gorakhpur 2024 LiveLaw (AB) 327 [INCOME TAX APPEAL No. - 35 of 2024]
Citation: 2024 LiveLaw (AB) 327
The Allahabad High Court has held that once the acceptance of books of accounts by the Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) have not been objected to by the Assessing Authority before the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, it is not open to the Assessing Officer to disturb the gross profit rate as declared by the assessee.
Punjab & Haryana High Court
Assessment Order Passed Without Conducting Search And Seizure Not Sustainable In Law: Punjab & Haryana High Court
Case Title: Misty Meadows Private Limited Versus Union of India and others
The Punjab and Haryana High Court has held that once the search and seizure were conducted and an assessment order was passed by invoking Section 153A of the Income Tax Act for the AY 2006-07 to 2012-13, a fresh order without conducting a search and seizure operation would not be sustainable in law.
Kerala High Court
Additional Income Can't Be Treated As Concealed Income: Kerala High Court
Case Title: The Principal Commissioner Of Income Tax Versus Shri. Ambady Krishna Menon
The Kerala High Court has held that additional income cannot be treated as concealed income for the purposes of Section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act.
Receipts By Foreign Entity From Provision Of Software Services In India Are Not Taxable U/s 44BB In Absence Of Its PE In India: Delhi ITAT
Case Title: Computer Modelling Group Ltd Vs ACIT
The Delhi ITAT held that receipts by a foreign entity from provision of software services to oil companies in India being in the nature of business profits are not taxable in India in the absence of its Permanent Establishment (PE) during the relevant AYs.
Once Cash Deposits In Bank A/C Of Lender Firm Is Accepted As Coming From Explained Sources, No addition Is Permitted U/s 68 As Unsecured Loan: Delhi ITAT
Case Title: Devki Nandan Maheshwari Vs ACIT
The Delhi ITAT deleted the addition made u/s 68 being unsecured loan obtained from a firm by the Assessee for further investment in a company on the ground that the identity, creditworthiness, and genuineness of the transaction stands proved.
Final Assessment Made By AO After Expiry Of One Month Of Receiving Directions From Dispute Resolution Panel, Is Time Barred: Chennai ITAT
Case Title: Conferencecall Services India Pvt. Ltd Vs Dy. Commissioner of Income Tax
The Chennai ITAT recently held that the final assessment order dated Nov 21, 2017 passed after expiry of one month from the end of the month in which the DRP directions were received by the Revenue is barred by limitation and hence, “passed wholly without jurisdiction and therefore, null in the eyes of law”.