Direct Tax Cases Weekly Round-Up: 24 To 30 March 2024
Mariya Paliwala
31 March 2024 7:30 AM
Delhi High Court Addition Solely Based On Photocopy Of Sale Agreement Is Completely Unjustifiable: Delhi High Court Case Title: PCIT Versus Rashmi Rajiv Mehta The Delhi High Court has held that an addition solely based on a photocopy of the sale agreement is completely unwarranted and unjustifiable. ITAT CIT(A) Not Empowered To Dismiss An Appeal On Account Of...
Delhi High Court
Addition Solely Based On Photocopy Of Sale Agreement Is Completely Unjustifiable: Delhi High Court
Case Title: PCIT Versus Rashmi Rajiv Mehta
The Delhi High Court has held that an addition solely based on a photocopy of the sale agreement is completely unwarranted and unjustifiable.
CIT(A) Not Empowered To Dismiss An Appeal On Account Of Non-Prosecution: ITAT
Case Title: MARC Laboratories Ltd. Versus Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax
The Delhi Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that the CIT(A) has no power to dismiss an appeal on account of non-prosecution.
Contribution Made By NSE To Core SGF Is Not In The Nature Of Any Deposit/Contingency/Reserve: ITAT
Case Title: National Stock Exchange of India Versus DCIT
The Mumbai Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that the contribution made by the assessee stock exchange to Core SGF is not in the nature of any deposit, contingency, or reserve.
ITAT Quashes Pre-Drafted Performa Penalty Notice Containing Both Concealed And Inaccurate Particulars Of Income
Case Title: Jatin Enterprises Versus ACIT
The Mumbai Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has quashed a pre-drafted penalty notice containing both concealed particulars of income and furnished inaccurate particulars of income.
Payments Made To Doctors Would Be Covered By TDS Provisions U/S 194J Of Income Tax Act: ITAT
Case Title: ACIT verses Artemis Medicares Services Ltd.
The Delhi Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) consisting of M. Balaganesh (Accountant Member) and Anubhav Sharma (Judicial Member) has held that the payments made to doctors would be covered by TDS provisions under Section 194J and not Section 192 of the Income Tax Act.
Payment From Google Towards Marketing & Distribution Rights Of AdWords Is Not Royalty, Clarifies Bangalore ITAT
Case Title: Google Ireland Ltd verses DCIT
Following the Coordinate Bench ruling in IT(IT)A No.2845/Bang/2017, wherein it was held that the payment made by Google India to assessee was not in the nature of royalty/ FTS and consequently it could not be brought to tax in the hands of assessee, the Bangalore ITAT ruled that amount received by Google Ireland (Assessee) from Google India towards marketing & distribution rights of AdWords program is not royalty.
No Reference Can Be Made To DVO Once Value Of Capital Asset Declared By Taxpayer Is More Than FMV: Chennai ITAT
Case Title: Late Smt. Nirmala Venkatapathy verses ITO
Finding that value determined by the DVO is less than the valuation adopted by assessee for computing fair market value (FMV), the Chennai ITAT ruled that the value adopted by the DVO cannot be taken for computing FMV.
Incorrect calculation by AO Is Not 'Failure On Part Of Taxpayer To Disclose Material Fact', For Initiating Reopening: Ahmedabad ITAT
Case Title: Mehsana Urban Co-op. Bank Ltd. verses ACIT
The Ahmedabad ITAT ruled that mathematical incorrectness by AO cannot be said to be failure on the part of the assessee to disclose any material fact, so as to initiate reopening of assessment.
Once Insurance Policy Is Assigned By Employer To Employee, Value Received By Employee Can't Be Taxed In View Of Sec 10(10D): Delhi ITAT
Case Title: Mihir Parikh verses ACIT
The New Delhi ITAT recently reiterated that once insurance policy is assigned by the employer to employee, the insurance policy gets converted into an ordinary policy, and in that case, the value received by employee would not be subjected to tax in view of section 10(10D) of the Act.
Vehicle Commercially Used For Purpose Of Business Of Company, Eligible For Benefit Of Depreciation : Ahmedabad ITAT
Case Details: Mukesh Trends Lifestyle Limited verses Dy CIT
Relying on the decision of the Jurisdictional High Court in the case of PCIT vs. Asian Mills (P.) Ltd., the Ahmedabad ITAT that vehicle exclusively used by an entity for its commercial purpose becomes eligible for claim of depreciation.
Revisionary Jurisdiction U/s 263 Can't Be Invoked If AO Has Formed Plausible View After Carrying Out Necessary Enquiry: Chandigarh ITAT
Case Title: Manuj Jain HUF verses Pr. CIT
Finding that the assessee has carried out seasonal trade in hosiery items duly supported by documentary evidence, which was duly examined by the AO accepting the said transactions and resultant profit has been brought to tax, the Chandigarh ITAT held that the PCIT cannot be permitted to invoke his jurisdiction u/s 263 merely because he believes that there is certain deficiency in the documentation so maintained and furnished by the assessee.
ITAT Restores Matter Back To AO To Verify ICSI's Income Tax Exemption Claim
Case Title: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India Versus DCIT
The Delhi Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has restored the matter back to the AO to verify the Institute of Company Secretaries of India's (ICSI) income tax exemption claim.