ITAT Cases Monthly Round Up: April 2024

Mariya Paliwala

2 May 2024 3:00 PM

  • ITAT Cases Monthly Round Up: April 2024

    Jaipur ITAT Directs Dept. To Allow Taxpayer To File Revised Appeal Memo In Form No. 35 For Removal Of Deficiency Case Title: Zila Parisad verses Addl. CIT, TDS While relegating the taxpayer to file a revised appeal memo in Form No. 35 either on the e-filing portal of the department or physical form, the Jaipur ITAT restored the matter back to the file of the CIT(A) to adjudicate...

    Jaipur ITAT Directs Dept. To Allow Taxpayer To File Revised Appeal Memo In Form No. 35 For Removal Of Deficiency

    Case Title: Zila Parisad verses Addl. CIT, TDS

    While relegating the taxpayer to file a revised appeal memo in Form No. 35 either on the e-filing portal of the department or physical form, the Jaipur ITAT restored the matter back to the file of the CIT(A) to adjudicate the matter of rectification application for removal of deficiency, afresh, as per law.

    Incorrect Assumption Of Facts Alone Is No Basis To Revoke Revisionary Jurisdiction U/s 263: Rajkot ITAT

    Case Title: Kishorkumar Bhalara verses The Principal Commissioner of Income Tax

    On finding that the PCIT has held the assessment order passed by AO as erroneous and prejudicial to the interest of the Revenue simply based on incorrect assumption of facts, the Rajkot ITAT directed to set aside the order passed u/s 263 of the Income tax Act, 1963.

    Cash Deposits Made During Demonetization Is No Basis For Addition U/s 68, Without Rejecting Audited Books Of Account: Delhi ITAT

    Case Title: Shivam Industries verses ACIT

    On finding that the authorities have not considered the history of the assessee and not even rejected its books of accounts, the New Delhi ITAT deleted the addition sustained by the CIT(A) u/s 68 of the Income Tax Act.

    Taxpayer Must Substantiate Form 26AS Or Form 16 So As To Claim Credit Over TDS: Mumbai ITAT

    Case Title: Shri Ajit Chandrashekar Dighe verses DCIT

    While remanding the case back for re-adjudication, the Mumbai ITAT held that the prima facie onus would be upon the Assessee to substantiate its claim of non-granting of TDS credit, by providing relevant documents, such as an appointment letter, salary slips or Form No.16 or bank statements, or any other corroborative evidence/ documents.

    Additions U/s 69 Should Not Be Based Merely On Obtaining Surrender Statements: Chandigarh ITAT

    Case Title: Shri Jaspreet Singh Mauj verses DCIT/ACIT

    On finding that the assessee in clear terms has surrendered the additional professional income covering the expenditure incurred on the building, the Chandigarh ITAT held that the invocation of Section 115BBE of the Income Tax Act, is not applicable and hence deleted the addition made by the AO on account of the addition in the value of building u/s 69.

    Litigant Is Not Allowed To Use Process Of Law To Achieve Ulterior Purpose In Under Hand Way By Filing Appeal Belatedly: Indore ITAT

    Case Title: Shri Abhishek Singh verses Pr. CIT

    On finding that the assessee has failed to make out a case of reasonable cause much less sufficient cause for an abnormal delay of more than six years in filing the appeal, the Indore ITAT declined to condone the inordinate delay in filing of appeal and consequently dismissed the appeal filed against the revision order passed u/s 263 of Income Tax Act, being barred by limitation.

    Receipts By Taxpayer Can't Be Added To Its Income U/s 68 For Just Non-Compliance Of Summons Issued U/s 131: Kolkata ITAT

    Case Title: Nano Infra Promoters Pvt. Ltd verses ITO

    On finding that the addition is based upon conjecture and surmises and not on records which were available before the authorities, the Kolkata ITAT set aside the order passed by the CIT(A) and directed the AO to delete the addition made u/s 68 of the Income Tax Act.

    No Addition U/S 69 Is Permitted Without Examining & Finding Fault In Cash Book Produced By Taxpayer: Delhi ITAT

    Case Title: Shri Mool Chand Aggarwal verses Asst. CIT

    On finding that the CIT(A) has failed to examine the cash book presented by the assessee, the New Delhi ITAT deleted the addition sustained by CIT(A) u/s 69 of the Income Tax Act.

    Bifurcated Details Of Income From Specified & Non-Specified Business Is Not Available: Indore ITAT Asks To Reconsider Deduction U/s 35AD

    Case Title: ACIT verses MP Warehousing and Logistics Corporation

    While setting aside the order of deduction passed u/s 35AD of the Income Tax Act in relation to investment on warehouse, the Indore ITAT has remitted back the issue to the AO for proper verification and consideration of the bifurcated details of income from specified and non-specified business after finding that such bifurcation of income was not presented earlier before the AO.

    Simple Disagreement With Plausible Views Of AO Is No Basis For CIT To Assume Jurisdiction U/s 263: Kolkata ITAT

    Case Title: Satbir Mahato verses PCIT

    While quashing the invalid exercise of jurisdiction by PCIT u/s 263 of the Income Tax Act, without satisfying the conditions precedent for such section, the Kolkata ITAT held that the PCIT cannot invoke the jurisdiction u/s 263 to substitute his view in place of AO on the ground that he does not agree with the view taken by the AO.

    Ex-Parte Order Which Resulted Into Denial Of Proper Opportunity Of Being Heard, Merits Remand: Mumbai ITAT

    Case Title: Mohd Shahid Mohd Yusuf Qureshi verses Dy. Commissioner of Income-tax

    On finding that the order passed by the Commissioner is an ex-parte order which resulted into denial of proper opportunity of being heard, the Mumbai ITAT set aside the order passed u/s 144 of the Income Tax Act, and remanded the case back to the file of the Commissioner for decision afresh.

    Making Deposit At One Go After Declaration Of Demonetization Is No Reason For Doubting Cash Sales: Indore ITAT

    Case Title: Mohammad Ibraheem Khatri verses ITO

    While deleting the addition made by the AO u/s 68 of the Income Tax Act, the Indore ITAT held that once the cash sales and availability of the cash with the assessee is duly supported by the books of account of the assessee, then making deposit at one go in the circumstances after declaration of demonetization cannot be a reason for doubting the availability of cash with the assessee.

    Enhancement Made To Taxpayer's Income Without Following Procedures As Per Sec 154, Calls For Re-Adjudication: Bangalore ITAT

    Case Title: Manjunath Obaiah verses The Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax

    On finding that a vague order has been passed by the AO by reshuffling the addition under different heads of income and without discussing the issue under the provision of section 154(3) of the Income Tax Act, the Bangalore ITAT remitted back the issue to the file of the AO for fresh consideration.

    Assessment By AO Can't Be Termed As Prejudicial To Interest Of Revenue If It Doesn't Result In Any Loss To Revenue: Indore ITAT

    Case Title: Naresh Chandra Kalwani verses Pr. Commissioner of Income-tax

    On finding that the facts of the case do not warrant application of section 263 of the Income Tax Act, the Indore ITAT set aside the revision order passed by PCIT and restored the original assessment-order passed by the AO.

    AO Fails To Scrutinize Cash Payments By Assessee Under Lens Of Sec 40A; Indore ITAT Upholds Revisional Interference U/s 263

    Case Title: Shri Bharat Jaroli verses Pr. CIT

    On finding a lack of inquiry on the part of AO in allowing cash sales, which renders the assessment order erroneous so far as it is prejudicial to the interests of revenue, the Indore ITAT upheld the order of disallowance u/s 40A(3) of the Income Tax Act, passed by Pr. CIT by invoking Section 263.

    Once Busines Income Of Wife Accepted During Scrutiny, AO Can't Tax Husband Again Stating Wife Was Not The One Carrying Business: Rajkot ITAT

    Case Title: Shri Ketan Prabhulal Dalsaniya verses The DCIT

    While accepting on one hand that the income found to be belonging to taxpayer's wife in scrutiny assessment was duly offered to tax, the Rajkot ITAT reprimanded the I-T Department from taking a contrary view and taxing it in the hands of the taxpayer on the ground that his wife was not actually carrying out any business.

    Actual Expenditure, Source Of Which Was Not Explained, Attracts Deeming Provisions Of Sec 69: Ahmedabad ITAT

    Case Title: Hyfun Frozen Foods Pvt. Ltd. Verses Income Tax Officer

    The Ahmedabad ITAT recently ruled that actual expenditure, the source of which has not been explained, attracted the deeming provisions provided u/s 69 of the Income tax Act.

    Extension Of Timeline For Filing Form No.10AB For Recognition U/s.12A Is Deemed Extension For Renewal Of Approval Under Clause (Iii) Of First Proviso To Sec 80G: Chennai ITAT

    Case Title: Shri Ramajayam Charitable Trust verses Income Tax Officer

    The Chennai ITAT recently clarified that once the timeline prescribed for filing Form No.10AB for recognition u/s.12A has been extended, the same may be treated as extended for Form No.10AB for renewal of approval/recognition/registration under clause (iii) of the first proviso to section 80G of the Income Tax Act.

    Income Of Co-Operative Society By Way Of Interest Derived From Investment With Any Other Cooperative Society, Is Allowable U/s 80P: Mumbai ITAT

    Finding that assessee in the present case is not a cooperative bank, since the office of Central registrar of cooperative societies, New Delhi has issued a certificate of registration to the assessee registering it u/s 11 of Multistate Cooperative Societies Act, 2002, the Mumbai ITAT ruled that the income earned by a co-operative society by way of interest derived by from its investment with any other cooperative society, is deductible u/s 80P.

    No Deduction Can Be Claimed If Employees' Contribution Deducted From Employee's Salary was Not Paid To Respective PF & ESI A/c: Kolkata ITAT

    Case Title: Jankalyan Vinimay Pvt. Ltd. verses Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax

    Finding that the returns of the assessee have been processed in the Computer Processing Centre, the Kolkata ITAT ruled that if the Auditors have reported in the Audit Report that employees' contribution have been deducted by the assessee from the salaries of the employees but not deposited within due date provided under PF&ESI Act then no deduction can be claimed by assessee.

    No Addition Permitted U/s 68 Once Taxpayer Establishes Genuineness & Creditworthiness Of Share Subscribers: Mumbai ITAT

    Case Title: Income-tax Officer verses Design Deal Fashions Pvt. Ltd.

    The Mumbai ITAT upheld the order of CIT(A) in deleting the addition made by the AO u/s 68 of the Income Tax Act, since the assessee has successfully established the genuineness and creditworthiness of the share subscribers alleged for the bogus transactions.

    Action Can Be Initiated U/s 153C Based On Seizure Made During Course Of Search And Not Based On Material Impounded In Course Of Survey: Mumbai ITAT

    Case Title: Dinesh Shah (HUF) verses Dy. CIT

    While quashing the proceedings initiated u/s 153C of the Income Tax Act based on the material impounded in course of survey action, the Mumbai ITAT clarified that the material considered for initiating action u/s 153C in the case of assessee was not seized in the course of search action but was impounded in the course of the survey action, and hence assessment u/s 153C is not as per provisions of law.

    Commission Expenses Can Be Allowed If Taxpayer Satisfies Rendering Of Services By Commission Agents And Income From Same Is Shown In Return: Mumbai ITAT

    Case Title: Chandresh P. Thakker verses National Faceless Assessment Centre

    While deleting the addition made u/s 68 of the Income Tax Act, the Mumbai ITAT directed the assessee to file the details of the services rendered by the commission agents for availing the commission payment from the assessee.

    Money Received As Security Deposit If Subsequently Refunded To Developer, Is Irrelevant For Determining Taxability U/s 56(2)(Vii)(A): Mumbai ITAT

    Case Title: Chandarani N. Goyal verses Income Tax Officer

    While deleting the enhancement made u/s 56(2)(vii)(a) of the Income Tax Act, the Mumbai ITAT explained that as per the provisions of section 56(2)(vii)(a), any sum of money, the aggregate of which exceeds Rs.50,000, received by an individual without consideration is taxable as income from other sources, and thus, u/s 56(2)(vii)(a), the incidence of taxation is at the stage of receipt of money.

    Cash Sales Already Offered As Income Can't Be Taxed In Garb Of Inflation Sales To Cover Up Demonetization Currency: Delhi ITAT

    Case Title: ACIT verses Harisons Diamonds Pvt Ltd

    The New Delhi ITAT recently clarified that the cash sales already been offered as income, cannot be taxed in the garb of inflation sales to cover up demonetization currency.

    Manual Cash Book Contains Entries Related To Cash Withdrawals, Income Tax Additions Not Sustainable: ITAT

    Case Title: Bijender Singh Lohia Versus JCIT (OSD)

    The Delhi Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that the manual cash book contained entries related to cash withdrawals and expenses of the company, which were duly recorded and reconciled with its books of account, as well as cash introduced, withdrawn, and expenses on behalf of the assessee.

    Primary Agricultural Credit Society Entitled To Benefit Section 80P(2)(i) For Providing Credit Facilities For Non-Agricultural Purposes To Its Members: ITAT

    Case Title: Enayetpur S K U S Ltd Vs. ACIT

    The Kolkata Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that Primary Agricultural Credit Society is entitled to benefit under Section 80P(2)(i) of the Income Tax Act for providing credit facilities for non-agricultural purposes to its members.

    Income Tax Addition Can't Be Deleted For Sole Reason Of Erroneously Mentioning Section: ITAT

    Case Title: Jignesh Chimanlal Jobanputra Versus ITO

    The Mumbai Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that the addition cannot be deleted for the sole reason that the section under which the addition is made is mentioned erroneously and that it is necessary to look into the merits of the case.

    Payments Received Towards Interconnectivity Utility Charges From Indian Customers Is Not Royalty: ITAT

    Case Title: M/s. KDDI Corporation Versus The Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax (International Taxation)

    The Bangalore bench of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that payments received by the assessee towards interconnectivity utility charges from Indian customers or end users cannot be considered royalties to be brought to tax in India.

    Taxing Unsold Flats In Real Estate Business Applicable From AY 2018-19; ITAT Deletes Notional Rent Addition For AY 2014-15

    Case Title: Mack Star Marketing Private Limited Versus National Faceless Appeal Centre

    The Mumbai Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT), while deleting the notional rent addition for AY 2014–15, held that taxing unsold flats in real estate business is applicable from AY 2018–19.

    Penalty Order On Ground Of Misreporting Of Income Not Justified When SCN And Assessment Order Alleged Under-Reporting: ITAT

    Case Title: Mohd. Sarwar Versus The Income Tax Officer

    The Hyderabad Bench of Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) has held that the penalty order on the ground of misreporting of income was not justified when show cause notice and the assessment order alleged under-reporting.

    Assessee Has Not Benefited From Round-Tripping Of Share Transactions; Mumbai ITAT Deletes Addition U/s 68

    Case Title: Lalwani Estates & Realtors Pvt Ltd. Verses Income Tax Officer

    On finding that the assessee has issued share application money and subsequently allotted shares which shows that the transactions are genuine and there is no material brought on record by tax authorities that the assessee has benefited from round-tripping, the Mumbai ITAT deleted the addition made u/s 68 of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

    Time Barred Appeal Is Not Maintainable In Absence Of Sufficient Cause For Condonation: Vishakhapatnam ITAT

    Case Title: Mahesh Gurram verses Income Tax Officer

    On finding that the assessee had neither substantiated his case before the Tribunal or before the CIT(A), the Visakhapatnam ITAT rejected the condonation and dismissed the appeal filed by the assessee in-limine.

    Payment Of Excessive Or Unreasonable Salary Is Sine Qua Non For Invoking Provision Of Sec 40A(2)(B): Ahmedabad ITAT

    Case Title: M S Hostel verses Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax

    On finding that none of the orders passed by I-T Authorities doubted the services so rendered by the administrative head nor alleged to have been paid salary excessive or unreasonable which is sine qua non in invoking the provision of Section 40A(2)(b) of the Income Tax Act, the Ahmedabad ITATallowed the deduction u/s 40A(2)(b).

    Mere Disallowance Of Expenditure Or Enhancement Of Returned Income Does Not Ipso Facto Call For Penalty U/s 271(1)(C): Delhi ITAT

    Case Title: Dion Global Solutions Limited verses ACIT

    While holding that mere disallowance of expenditure or enhancement of returned income does not ipso facto call for the imposition of penalty u/s 271(1)(c) of Income Tax Act, the Delhi ITAT deleted the said penalty.

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