NLU Delhi Conference on Insolvency Resolution and Cross-Border Insolvency
manav malhotra
30 Sept 2017 1:23 PM

The Centre for Transnational Commercial Law, National Law University Delhi, in collaboration with UNCITRAL, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India and International Law Institute is organising a two-day conference to commemorate the 2017 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day.
Date: 27th to 28th October, 2017 (Proposed)
Venue: Silver Oak Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Timing: 09:00 am - 06:00 pm
Theme: Centre for Transnational Commercial Law, NLU Delhi is hosting the UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day on the theme of Insolvency Resolution and Cross-Border Insolvency.
Key Participants and Useful for:
Adjudicators, Academics, Policy makers, Regulators, In-house Counsel/ Legal Heads, Lawyers, Insolvency Professionals, Banks, Asset Reconstruction Companies, CA, CS. Schedule for the Conference:
Insolvency Resolution & Cross-Border Insolvency – 27th October 2017 (9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.) at India Habitat Centre
Roundtable on Cross-Border Insolvency – 28th October 2017 (10:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.) at National Law University, Delhi
Registration Link:
Registration for Insolvency Resolution and Cross-Border Insolvency', 27th October 2017, 'Silver Oak' India Habitat Centre, New Delhi Visit:
Registration for 'Roundtable on Cross-Border Insolvency', 28th October 2017, National Law University Delhi Visit:
Note: Registration is free of charge and is available for a limited number of participants on a first come basis. Last date for Registration: 12th October 2017.
For any queries visit following:
E-mail: ;
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