Allahabad High Court Holds National Lok Adalat; Over 11.6 Lakh Cases Settled

Shrutika Pandey

15 July 2021 2:36 PM

  • Allahabad High Court Holds National Lok Adalat; Over 11.6 Lakh Cases Settled

    The Allahabad High Court has successfully celebrated National Lok Adalat on July 10, 2021. Under the guidance of ACJ Munishwar Nath Bhandari, also the Patron-in-Chief/Executive Chairman of UP State Legal Services Authority and Justice Pritinker Diwaker, Chairman, High Court Legal Services Committee, the National Lok Adalat helped resolution of a large number of cases, details of which are...

    The Allahabad High Court has successfully celebrated National Lok Adalat on July 10, 2021. Under the guidance of ACJ Munishwar Nath Bhandari, also the Patron-in-Chief/Executive Chairman of UP State Legal Services Authority and Justice Pritinker Diwaker, Chairman, High Court Legal Services Committee, the National Lok Adalat helped resolution of a large number of cases, details of which are as under:

    The National Lok Adalat was held across Districts Courts in the State as well as at both High Court benches. It settled over 11.6 lakh cases, amounting to more than 684 crores in both pre-litigation as well as pending cases.

    7,72,089 pre-litigation cases and 3,88,545 pending cases were decided.

    The Lok Adalat was part of the second National Lok Adalat held under the direction of NALSA.

    The event was attended by 6 Benches from Allahabad and 3 Benches from Lucknow.

    At Allahabad 1026  pending cases were taken up of which 356 were decided. These included of Motor Accident Claims, Criminal Revisions, Contempt and Applications u/s 482.

    At Lucknow 205 pending cases were taken up of which 78 decided including cases of Motor Accident Claims were decided.

    At District Level, 6.47 lakh pending cases were taken up of which 3.88 lakhs was decided. At this stage, pre-litigation 15.8 lakhs were taken up and 7.7 lakhs were disposed.

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