Centre Notifies Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021


13 March 2021 6:55 AM

  • Centre Notifies Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021

    The Central Government has notified and the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021.Unmanned Aircraft is an aircraft, which is intended to operate with no pilot on board. These Rules, which has now come into force will apply to (a) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) registered in India, wherever they may be; or (b) a person owning or possessing or engaged in exporting, importing, manufacturing,...

    The Central Government has notified and the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021.

    Unmanned Aircraft is an aircraft, which is intended to operate with no pilot on board. These Rules, which has now come into force will apply to (a) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) registered in India, wherever they may be; or (b) a person owning or possessing or engaged in exporting, importing, manufacturing, trading, leasing, operating, transferring or maintaining an Unmanned Aircraft System in India; or (c) all Unmanned Aircraft System for the time being in or over India.

    The Rules categorizes unmanned aircraft system into three: aeroplane, rotorcraft and hybrid unmanned aircraft system. They are also classified based upon the maximum all up weight including its pay load.

     The Rules provide that a person shall be eligible for grant of authorisation as as importer, manufacturer, trader, owner or operator, if – (a) in case of an individual, he is, – (i) a citizen of India, and (ii) 18 years of age or more; or (b) in case of a company or a body corporate provided that, – (i) it is registered and has its principal place of business within India, and (ii) the Chairman and at least two-thirds of its directors are citizens of India; or (c) in case of a firm or an association of persons or body of individuals or a local authority or any legal entity has its principal place of business within India, whether incorporated or not, Central Government and State Government or an agency thereof.

    The Rules also define the Role and Responsibility of Authorised Unmanned Aircraft System Operator.  An authorised unmanned aircraft system operator shall be responsible for performing the following functions, but not limited to, for safe operation of unmanned aircraft system:-

    1. provide all essential instructions and guidance for use by its operations personnel for conduct of unmanned aircraft operations;
    2. ensure that the operations personnel are familiar with the laws, regulations and procedures, pertinent to the performance of their duties, prescribed for the areas to be traversed, the aerodromes to be used and the air navigation facilities relating thereto;
    3. exercise operational control;
    4. ensure that the unmanned aircraft are operated only by licenced pilots with requisite training and qualifications; (e) ensure that unmanned aircraft are flown only in permissible geographical areas or permissible enclosed premises
    5. ensure maintenance of unmanned aircraft system to keep them airworthy and in safe condition for operation;
    6. ensure that any radio apparatus forming a part of the unmanned aircraft system is operated only by the holder of a valid licence for the operation of such radio apparatus; (h) ensure the privacy of a person and its property during operation;
    7. maintain all prescribed manuals and records;
    8. bear the liability, if any, on account of any damage occurred to any person or property.

    The Central government or any organisation specifically authorised by the Central Government can establish an Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management in Indian airspace or any part thereof, if warranted by the nature and requirements of unmanned aircraft system operation.

    Click here to Read/Download Rules

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