Students From Law Schools Across The Country Express Solidarity With Aligarh And Jamia Students

Radhika Roy

16 Dec 2019 9:58 PM IST

  • Students From Law Schools Across The Country Express Solidarity With Aligarh And Jamia Students

    On Monday, a joint statement was issued by the student bodies of NLS, NUALS, NALSAR, MNLU Mumbai, MNLU Nagpur, NLUO, HNLU and NUSRL expressing solidarity with the students of Jamia Milia Islamia (JMI), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), and the Arts Faculty of Delhi University (DU). Similar statements were issued by the Student Council of NLUD, NLUJ and...

    On Monday, a joint statement was issued by the student bodies of NLS, NUALS, NALSAR, MNLU Mumbai, MNLU Nagpur, NLUO, HNLU and NUSRL expressing solidarity with the students of Jamia Milia Islamia (JMI), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), and the Arts Faculty of Delhi University (DU). Similar statements were issued by the Student Council of NLUD, NLUJ and the Legal Aid Clinic of Jindal Global Law School. The Student Union of Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, Delhi University issued a statement condemning the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019. 

    Escalation of peaceful protests against the implementation of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, which commenced at JMI on Sunday afternoon led to the excessive use of force on behalf of the Delhi Police. Forceful entry into the university premises and the use of teargas shells as well as lathi-charge by the police has led to a huge furore across the country. Multiple students were detained for a few hours with no access to medical or legal aid. In response to the same, students from various universities have taken to the streets to protest against and condemn the brutal police action on unarmed students. 
    The student body of National Law University, Delhi (NLUD) has issued a letter stating that "we the student of National Law University Delhi stand in complete solidarity with our counterparts at other universities and deeply admire their courage to stand up against what is unjust. We strongly condemn this unwarranted use of force by the Delhi Police and Uttar Pradesh Police on university students." 
    The joint statement issued by the multiple National Law Schools acknowledges the importance of dissent and states that "in a healthy democratic and political environment, dissent is a necessary component." The joint statement also stated that "these actions against the protesting students have violated their constitutional protections endangering their lives and brought shame to our democratic values that we cherish and strive to uphold." Similarly, Jindal Global Law School has issued a statement, "JGLS condemns the devastating police attacks on the Jamia Milia Islamia University and the Aligarh Muslim University and voices its support to the students with firm solidarity." 
    The Student Union of CLC, Delhi University issued a statement on 12th December condemning the perceived attempt being made to destroy the pluralistic, secular and democratic fabric of the country. "The diverse and dissenting voices are now getting blocked, attacked and silenced. Democratic and peaceful protests are being suppressed through inappropriate and indecent tactics. The students' union stand in solidarity with millions of concerned Indians protesting against the proposed Bill." 
    As law schools across the country have been condemning the violent police attacks on students in the garb of quelling untoward incidents, a plea was made at the Supreme Court of India to take suo moto cognizance of the matter. On this ground, the statement of National Law University, Jodhpur declares that "while the Supreme Court has agreed to take suo moto cognizance of the matter, it has issued a warning to the students of Jamia Milia Islamia, going as far as to say that if the destruction of public property does not stop the Apex Court will refuse to hear the matter. Doing this makes enforcement of fundamental rights contingent on circumstances, and delays urgent action needed to undo the wrongs of last night."

    Chief Justice of India S.A. Bobde on Monday morning stated that the powers of the Apex Court were limited as it was a law and order issue, and that the matter could only be heard tomorrow if the rioting subsided. 
    Read the Solidarity Statement Here

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