'Appoint Good & Patriotic Judges To Serve As Servants Of Lord Krishna': Grounds In A Plea Before Karnataka HC


4 March 2019 11:00 AM IST

  • Appoint Good & Patriotic Judges To Serve As Servants Of Lord Krishna: Grounds In A Plea Before Karnataka HC

    Recently, the High Court of Karnataka came across a review petition which took 'strange grounds'. B. Umapathy, not only sought to review the judgment which went against him, but also wanted 'action' against a news portal 'Bengaluru mirror' for publishing 'wrong news' about the said judgment. He also claimed damages not less than Rupees Fifty Lakhs! Umapathy filed a suit in...

    Recently, the High Court of Karnataka came across a review petition which took 'strange grounds'.

    B. Umapathy, not only sought to review the judgment which went against him, but also wanted 'action' against a news portal 'Bengaluru mirror' for publishing 'wrong news' about the said judgment. He also claimed damages not less than Rupees Fifty Lakhs!

    Umapathy filed a suit in 1986 claiming possession of a land he had bought. The suit was dismissed in 1994, and the first appeal was dismissed in 2005. Finally, the High Court, in November 2017, dismissed his Second Appeal. The High Court, while dismissing the appeal, observed that he had no title, and the land belonged to another person, who was in adverse possession of it.

    Justice Sreenivas Harish Kumar, though dismissed the review petition, found some grounds so strange that he reproduced them in the judgment. Following are those strange grounds:

    "41. By the judgment as the law laid down on 19.03.1997 in ILR 1998 Karnataka 339, filed by Registrar Karnataka High Court against Advocate N. Vasudevan, the senior Advocate, has the right to improve the quality of judiciary by writing letter to the chief justice, for enquiry it is like, in a football/hockey matches umpires whistle against the players who play foul and umpires warn them.
    42. Similarly, Lord Denning said, that, an Advocate has the right to write letters to the chief justice to improve the quality of judiciary. On these lines Advocate corresponded with Supreme Court Collegium and High Court Collegium.
    46. Central Government and State Governments are spending huge money to protect the freedom of India by using military, Navy, & Air force, police missionary and judiciary.
    47. They are spending huge amounts for defense and police but not for judiciary.
    48. But civil courts are collecting money for civil litigation is not correct.
    57.Petitioner submits that President of India rightly said that Bhagwat Geetha be preached.
    63. Under these circumstances Collegiums are to appoint good judges to improve the quality of judiciary, be patriotic, to serve as servants of God, Lord Krishna being the only owner of the universe, as said in Bhagwat Geetha"

    Without making any comments on these 'strange grounds', the judge dismissed the petition and said: "While arguing at the time of admission, the learned counsel tries to argue once again on the merits of the appeal. Review of judgment cannot be permitted for reopening of a case for hearing once again. He has failed to point out the error apparent on the face of the record. He has also failed to point out any other sufficient reason requiring review of the judgment. Review petition is devoid of merits. It is dismissed."

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