NCLT Mumbai Bench Re-Constituted W.E.F 10th April 2023

Pallavi Mishra

12 April 2023 1:12 PM

  • NCLT Mumbai Bench Re-Constituted W.E.F 10th April 2023

    The National Company Law Tribunal (“NCLT”) has released a Circular dated 10.04.2023, notifying that the Bench of Court No. 1 in NCLT Mumbai has been re-constituted with effect from 10.04.2023.The re-constituted NCLT Mumbai Bench shall comprise of:NCLT Mumbai, Court Room No. 1 (First Half)Shri H.V. Subba Rao (Judicial Member)Ms. Anju Jagmohan Singh (Technical Member)File...

    The National Company Law Tribunal (“NCLT”) has released a Circular dated 10.04.2023, notifying that the Bench of Court No. 1 in NCLT Mumbai has been re-constituted with effect from 10.04.2023.

    The re-constituted NCLT Mumbai Bench shall comprise of:

    NCLT Mumbai, Court Room No. 1 (First Half)

    1. Shri H.V. Subba Rao (Judicial Member)
    2. Ms. Anju Jagmohan Singh (Technical Member)

    File No.: 10/03/2022-NCLT

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