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- NCLT Ahmedabad Bench Re-Constituted...
NCLT Ahmedabad Bench Re-Constituted W.E.F 15th FEBRUry 2023
Pallavi Mishra
13 Feb 2023 4:30 AM
The National Company Law Tribunal, Ahmedabad Bench, has been re-constituted vide a Circular dated 09.02.2023 issued by NCLT. Dr. Deepti Mukesh (Judicial Member) of NCLT Ahmedabad Bench (Court No. II) is demitting office on 14.02.2023 on completion of her tenure. Therefore, the Bench is being re-constituted to take up the matters listed before Dr. Deepti Mukesh (Judicial Member) and...
The National Company Law Tribunal, Ahmedabad Bench, has been re-constituted vide a Circular dated 09.02.2023 issued by NCLT.
Dr. Deepti Mukesh (Judicial Member) of NCLT Ahmedabad Bench (Court No. II) is demitting office on 14.02.2023 on completion of her tenure. Therefore, the Bench is being re-constituted to take up the matters listed before Dr. Deepti Mukesh (Judicial Member) and Shri Ajai Das Mehrotra (Technical Member).
The re-constitution has been made in partial modification of orders of even number dated 03.03.2022 and is effective from 15.02.2023 until further orders.
The re-constituted NCLT Ahmedabad Bench shall comprise of:
NCLT Ahmedabad, Court Room No. II (Second Half)
- Shri M.B. Gosavi (Judicial Member)
- Shri Ajai Das Mehrotra (Technical Member)
Shri M.B. Gosavi (Judicial Member) shall first take up the matters of NCLT Ahmedabad Court No. I and NCLT Indore, and then attend the matters before NCLT Ahmedabad Court No. II.
File No.: 10/03/2023-NCLT