Professor Dr. Indrajit Dube Appointed First Vice-Chancellor Of NLU Meghalaya

Udit Singh

10 Feb 2023 6:12 PM IST

  • Professor Dr. Indrajit Dube Appointed First Vice-Chancellor Of NLU Meghalaya

    The National Law University Meghalaya has appointed Professor Dr. Indrajit Dube as its first Vice-Chancellor (VC). The NLU Meghalaya is the newest among all the NLUs which was established through National Law University Act 2022 with an intake capacity of 60 students to begin with. The University will function from a temporary campus for initial time. The notice dated 18.01.2023...

    The National Law University Meghalaya has appointed Professor Dr. Indrajit Dube as its first Vice-Chancellor (VC).

    The NLU Meghalaya is the newest among all the NLUs which was established through National Law University Act 2022 with an intake capacity of 60 students to begin with. The University will function from a temporary campus for initial time.

    The notice dated 18.01.2023 of the University states:

    “On the recommendation of the Search Committee constituted by the Chancellor and on the basis of the personal interview conducted on 17.01.2023, Prof (Dr) Indrajit Dube is hereby selected for appointment to the post of Vice Chancellor, National Law University of Meghalaya under Section 25 of the National Law University of Meghalaya Act, 2022.”

    Prior to his appointed as Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dube has been a Professor at Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.

    He has gone on to work as a practitioner, legal executive, and academician. His areas of interest include Corporate Laws, Corporate Governance and Corporate Environmental Governance.

    He has been teaching these and allied courses in undergraduate and post graduate levels for more than fifteen years in different Universities, National Law Schools and Management Schools.

    Prof. Dube has conducted about twenty funded projects from agencies, both national as well as International. He led the team to develop the institutional framework of the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, New Delhi, set up under the aegis of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. He has also played an important role in the National Mission Project on River Ganga and led the team on law, policy and governance.

    His writings are mainly focused on Independent Directors, Directors Liability, Integrated Reporting, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance in Energy Sector, Environmental Governance etc.

    His book on Corporate Governance published by Lexis Nexis Butterworths is widely referred to National and International Institutes of eminence.

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